Lighter, hotter rims with better performance....Alloy wheels are made of aluminum or magnesium metals and, of course, they are lighter in weight and provide a hot, super stylish look.
Because the above metals are lighter than steel, they reduce your vehicle's weight, improves speed and performance when old fashioned steel wheels adds hundreds of pounds to your vehicle's weight making your engine tow more weight and slowing down speed and reducing gas mileage. Alloy wheels are also better heat conductors and reduce the chances of brake failures under most driving conditions. We've been consistent in telling drivers that NYC's road conditions makes our area an area with "severe" conditions so please bear that in mind knowing that on Queens streets your alloy wheels are vulnerable.
The lighter weight of the alloy rim is more suitable for manufacturers to produce a broad range of intricate wheel designs and these more detailed looks complements the premium or sporty look of your car.
By utilizing the super hot look of alloy rims, your car benefits from having lighter weight, increased steering capacity, and performance and greater fuel economy.
Additionally, alloy wheels also provide drivers with great braking, excellent steering response and really hot, wonderful look to your car. Old fashioned steel wheel versions are less likely to be damaged by those pesky NYC pot holes....steel is tougher than alloy wheels and steel rims are more forgiving and cheaper to fit.
Today's alloy wheels are available in a host of standardized sizes, models and shapes and are available for almost all types of cars. 106 St Tire & Wheel offers among others ConceptOne, DUB, MHT, Savini, Vellano, TSW, Konig, Vellano, Forgiato, Vossen, Asanti, D2Forged, and more. And like any accessory whether in garments, shoes or cars, not every alloy wheel will look right on every car!
106 St Tire & Wheel has taken the guess work out searching for wheels. If you click on the 3rd subject on our web pages you will see "wheels." Click it and a drop down saying wheel configurator will appear. Go and take a look at the viral way of trying on wheels with our wheel configurator. Its fun!
This being NYC, the uniqueness and high cost of custom rims have made them very attractive for the thieves. However, wheel locks where one of the wheel nuts requires special type of key to remove it are available.
While some caution that alloy wheels are sometimes difficult to repair, 106 St Tire has highly trained techs that can repair almost any wheel. In fact, most wheels can be re-fabricated back to factory standards depending. We do offer free estimates, however, and usually we can get your damaged wheel back to you in 24-48 hours.
Like any other purchase, please do your research, try on rims on our wheel configurator, come on in and talk to us, we do free consultations and guide you to make the right purchase. We have a video displaying some of our hottest wheel jobs on YouTube: