Posted on 4/26/2023

What do I do if my rims and tires are stolen off my car? Having your wheels stolen is an unfortunate event but here at 106St Tire & Wheel we are here to help make it as easy as possible. Here are some common questions people ask us. Do I need a police report if I have to submit an insurance claim? Yes. A police report detailing the theft is necessary. It is best to report the theft as soon as it happens so the claim doesn’t look suspicious. Are stolen wheels and tires covered under my car insurance? Stolen tires and rims will only be covered under your car insurance if you have comprehensive car insurance. Depending on your type of coverage on your insurance policy (check with your insurance company) they usually will pay replacement value for your stolen wheels and tires. Do I need to provide receipts for the stolen parts? If you have the original factory tires and rims you will not need to provi ... read more
Posted on 4/29/2020

One of the most popular DIY upgrades for cars, trucks and SUVs is a new set of wheels. There are a dizzying array of sizes, colors, materials and designs to choose from and just as many tires available to fit them. While it is tempting to go online or to your local showroom, pick out a great looking set of wheels and order them up, the choices you make when buying a new set of wheels can have the unintended effect of changing the way your car handles, steers and holds the road. In fact, choosing the wrong wheels can make your car downright dangerous. The first rule of choosing your new rolling stock is this: wheels and tires should act as a matched set. Buying one without considering the other is a recipe for disaster. If your wheels are too large they may not fit in your wheel wells, causing your tires to rub the body when you are driving down the road. This can be both hazardous and expensive when that interference ruins your tires. You migh ... read more
Posted on 4/21/2017

Your vehicle's engine relies on three things to be able to run – air, fuel, and spark. The air that enters the engine's fuel system has to be clean and free of tiny particulates like grit, dust, pollen and sand. Were these particles to enter the engine, they would soon cause wear and damage. Prior to the 1960s, engines used an oil bath filter where air would enter the system and be directed across a sump of oil; hopefully, particles would be trapped in the surface of the oil. Oil bath air filters were messy and inefficient and were replaced by a paper element filter in the early 60s. Paper air filters draw air past a pleated paper element, not unlike the intake filter in your home's A/C system. So how often does the filter need to be changed? That depends on how you drive, and where you're driving. If most of your driving is in the city, your air filter can easily last 20,000 miles between changes. If you regularly drive on gravel or caliche roads, you can figure on that interva ... read more
Posted on 10/10/2016
Wiper BladesThe Importance of Windshield Wiper Blade Replacements (Part 2)It’s not just about safety and possible accidents There is another factor that’s rather important to many: aesthetics. That’s right; a lot of us are extremely sensitive when it comes to our car’s looks. We want them to be at their best not just from a mechanical, but also from an aesthetic standpoint. It is often the number1 priority in choosing to purchase an automobile. A lot of us want to drive good looking cars and there is nothing shameful about this. What are the main characteristics of a car that will determine its looks? You have the design itself of course, the size, the shape, the wheels and the lights, then of course the windshield as well. Not just its size and shape what’s important, but also how clean it is. You can take care of it by washing it regularly of course, but a quality wiper should always be a part of your setu ... read more
Posted on 10/7/2016

Wiper BladesThe Importance of Windshield Wiper Blade Replacements (Part 1) It's not just about the engine or the tires, but every little moving part that makes the car perform at its absolute best. For this to happen, it needs care, it needs you. Your windshield is one of the underrated components of your car, a component that's responsible for your visibility and also, your general safety while driving. Let's take a look at the various reasons why replacing your windshield wiper blade replacement is so important. Safety is first and foremost A large percentage of accidents happen because of compromised visibility. What can cause this? Usually it's dirty or cracked windshields. Dirt is obvious; it sticks to the surface and directly compromises your visibility. That's not all dirt does, either. The dirt on your windshield can actually weaken its structural integrity over time, making a possible cracking episode &ndas ... read more