Posted on 1/4/2016 think you have a luxury car? Maybe not. Read about luxury 2016 style. Now keep in mind you are talking about a big sticker price, too, but we can dream, can't we? What's new in luxury...more luxury, luxury gone 21st century and beyond. This article is based on an MSN autos article with some of our insights as consumers, who, like most of you can dream! Massaging seats: How about the big buck Bentley Mulsanne: Reclining rear seat? Yep! "Heating and ventilation?" Of course! In seat massage? You betcha and five different types of massages with 10 different levels of power no less (can we just buy the seats?). MSN Auto states: "The Mulsanne knows how to take care of you." Luxury leather: MSN Auto says: "Diamond stitched leather or Alcantara has also been proliferating throughout the luxury segment. It's gained in popularity not only for the fact that it's synthetic (no dead cows) but also because it's carbon-neutral, which should appeal to the ultr ... read more
Posted on 12/29/2015

3 More Quick Tips from Men's Health Magazine Dump that SUV: Men's Health points out some down sides of driving an SUV. They say your SUV brakes more slowly, accelerates more slowly, takes more time to get through intersections, use more gas, pollute the environment more than mid-size cars and the likelihood of a rollover is increased considerably. Also, SUVs' size tend to cause issues for other drivers which may mean you land up in an accident. The visibility of other drivers impact safety because of blindspots...theirs and yours. Automotive Repair Issues? Be Specific: Need a repair? Think you do? Take notes of everything that happens because a good mechanic wants the facts. Write down such things as: 1) was the engine hot? 2) did whatever happen on a turn? 3) what kind of road were you on? 4) you heard what? Men's Health says be specific: "For instance, say, 'I hear a high-pitched squeal when I accelerate, and then it stops after 30 mph. A good mecha ... read more
Posted on 12/9/2015

Great car tips from Men's Health"Buy, Don't Lease Leasing is more expensive because you're using up the best years of the car's life. A monthly lease payment is precisely calculated to ensure that you pay for every penny of that dizzying depreciation, along with interest and other fees. If you'll keep the car at least 5 years, buying is usually a better deal. Arrive Armed Before going to the dealership, learn your credit score and check with your bank (as well as sites like about loan options—or you'll be at the mercy of the dealer's finance office. Just don't take on a loan that will last longer than you'll own the car. As a general rule, if you have to stretch the payments beyond four years, you can't afford the car. Ace the Details If you want to customize a new car without making it look like something out of Pimp My Ride, start with the ... read more
Posted on 7/14/2015

Nitrogen fill, A Space Age Marvel...ask Jay Leno106 St. Tire & Wheel is one of the few tire dealers in Queens, NY offering nitrogen fill and it was the very first tire shop in this part of NYC to introduce this incredible, environmentally friendly technology to our borough many years ago. 106 St Tire & Wheel, concerned with the environment here in Queens where the staff, ownership and management live along with 8 million other residents, was inspired by TV's Jay Leno, national spokesman for nitrogen fill, and both his interest in the topic as well as his video explaining the benefits of nitrogen fill to drivers in the United States. (see below) The owners, staff and management of 106 St Tire, all lifelong residents of Queens and operating 5 tire shops in our borough while raising our families here. And like most drivers, business owners and parents today, we are concerned not on ... read more