Posted on 7/25/2016

Welcome to part 3 in our series on Tire Pressure Monitoring Systems. For part 1, please click here, and for part 2, please click here.Don't forget, you can schedule an appointment by clicking here.Indirect Monitoring Systems Indirect systems use the car's anti-lock braking system's wheel speed sensors to determine rotational speed of one tire and compare it with another on the same vehicle. If one of the tires has a lower pressure level, the circumference changes enough to roll at slightly more revolutions per mile than the other 3 tires. Reading the same signal that supports Anti-lock braking systems, car manufacturers' have programmed another function into a vehicle's on board computer to warn drivers when one of the tires is running at reduced or increased inflation pressure compared to the other 3. Unfortunately, indirect TPMS have several d ... read more
Posted on 7/14/2016

(Don't forget, we proudly offer TPMS service, and you can schedule an appointment by clicking here)Direct Monitoring Systems Direct TPMS use individual sensors/transmitters inside every tire and sometimes full size spare to transmit data to the control module. These sensors read temperature and internal pressure of the tire. The data received at the central control module is then scrutinized and if there are any issues with any of the tires the information is sent to the vehicle's information system. The data is usually sent wirelessly as radio signal. Because direct monitoring systems use sensors, they usually generate very accurate information and can alert you almost immediately if pressure in any of the tires falls below the recommended level. These types of TPMS can also detect gradual air loss over time. Some direct TPMS have dashboard displays that allow the driver to check tire pressures easily from the driver's seat. While there are some afte ... read more
Posted on 7/5/2016

A Guide to Tire Pressure Monitoring Systems (Part 1) Would it not be nice to always know if you have the right tire pressure in your car's tires? That is where Tire Pressure Monitoring systems come in handy. TPMS notifies drivers when their vehicle's tires pressure is going flat or is low. This increases your general safety on road by enhancing your car's handling, reducing breaking distance, decreasing tire wear, and battering fuel economy. Most countries including the United Stated have a Motor Vehicle Safety Standard that requires installation of TPMS (Tire Pressure Monitoring Systems) to warn drivers when a tire is under inflated. The standard applies to trucks, passenger cars, buses, and multipurpose passenger vehicles with a gross weight of 10,000 pounds or less. This does not include vehicles with dual wheels on an axle. There are 2 main types of Tire Pressure Monitoring Systems: indirect and direct. Direct systems use a sensor located in the tire to measure the pressure and no ... read more
Posted on 9/3/2015

The ABCs of TPMS:FAQ about TPMS (Tire Pressure Monitoring System) from the experts at Queens 106 St Tire & WheelI'm hearing a lot about tire pressure monitoring systems; what exactly is TPMS?TPMS is a fairly new automotive warning system feature displaying tire pressure in new vehicles equipped with them. The law requiring TPMS was mandated by the federal government in 2007. And right from the start everyone at Queens 106 St Tire & Wheel shop locations ... its techs, managers and staff were trained to answer questions about TPMS, maintain, replace and service tire presure monitoring systems. TPMS systems have warning lights on the dashboard (see image above) informing the driver whether anyone of the 4 tires is compromised in safety because of improper tire pressure. (Please note: the batteries powering the display on the dashboard wear out like any other batte ... read more
Posted on 1/21/2014
Jay Leno is the national spokes person for nitrogen fill and he'll tell you why we carry it and you should be using it.See his YouTube video right here: Nitrogen fill is Earth friendly.Tomorrow depends on today, make the smarter, greener, safer choice, Go GREE with nitrogen fill