Posted on 4/5/2016

Professional tips for do-it-yourselfers! Part I Caution: please spot test all products used on exterior and interior of your car. These days, many products are imported and you may be tempted to use them because of price factors and company claims. However, a spot test (use a spot that is hidden somewhere and not the middle of your hood or truck, the back of seats, somewhere that is not noticeable, please?) prevents ruining your paint job and surfaces.Does you car have perforated areas? Is there stitching in your upholstery? Use great caution about NOT getting water, cleanser or conditioner into the holes left by stitches in your leather, sewing puts holes in whatever is stitched. Always check with your owner's manual for manufacturer's suggestions before you clean or apply any products. Usually, there is specific advice on how to properly care for the leather upholstery, as well as products to avoid. Google your make, model and year along with the w ... read more
Posted on 3/9/2016

Forget Shopping for Expensive Car Detailing Products! 106 St Tire & Wheel always prides itself in being able to save our customers money. That's one reason why we stress maintaining your vehicle with our bevy of free inspections. We're taking this a step further and giving you the scoop on expive car care products that can be replaced with what you have at home or can easily be obtained in any dollar store anywhere. 1. Dawn Dish Soap Ever see what happens to the bird life when there's an oil spill in our precious waterways? Animal rescuers clean the delicate feathers and fur of oil soaked critters with Dawn dish soap. Dawn is so proud of it, the company sponsors ads displaying greasy, oily bird and animal life saturated with nasty oil based gunk. Commercials show a variety of bird life and sea others being cleansed while not being hurt by Dawn...we do our dishes in it so we know its safe for skin, feathers, fur and now for the news....YOUR CAR.Whe ... read more
Posted on 3/1/2016

Your Battery & What You May not Know: Ever have dirty battery cables be the cause of your ride not starting? Here's one of our annoyingly over used words: MAINTENANCE. The cables on your battery are subject to corrosion and, eventually, that will prevent your car from starting despite your battery being just fine. The ultimate result? Your day will be delayed or perhaps ruined. What if this happens in the middle of the night after a night out? Inconvenience is guaranteed, where it happens could be a dark and dangerous place. A small amount of maintenance can prevent the above. Here's how to do it: 1-always loosen, wiggle the cap off the cable and disconnect your negative terminal first and use a plastic tie to make sure to remove it from your work field. Why? Glad you asked. If your negative terminal is connected, it's still wired and connected to your entire car. Drop a tool on the battery or touch the wires and an electrical short may result. By leaving the ne ... read more
Posted on 2/3/2016

Under your hood there's a long belt that kinda snakes around your engine. This is a critical part of your engine drive as it powers your very important alternator that keeps your battery fully charged. The serpentine belt also powers your air-conditioning compressor as well as your power steering pump. Its duties varies from manufacturer-to-manufacturer and on some vehicles it can possibly run the power brakes, your radiator fan and the water pump. Important stuff, right? You can see from the above that this part is critical in keeping your auto on the road because if your serpentine belt breaks and all the belts in your vehicle can wear out depending on temperature under the hood, mileage on your car or just ordinary wear. The first thing that can happen should this important belt break? Since it would no longer be driving your alternator, your battery would die within a few miles. If your particular make of car has the serpentine belt running your fan or your water pump there would ... read more
Posted on 12/18/2015
Detailing Your Car Like a Pro - part 2 Okay, so you know this is not just about cleaning the outside with a bucket a hose, right? We did say like a here you go with deep cleaning areas you probably never thought of! Got a small air compressor? It's THE WAY to successfully blow dust and dirt out of the vents from your heater and air-conditioning system. Aim the high-pressure air at the walls of the ducts behind grills, vents, etc. Dirt and grime stick to the walls of the vet system and can leave you car smelling musty. Change your cabin air filter if you have the least blow the dirt and dust out of it. We hope that a clean smelling car is not one of those Christmas tree looking air fresheners that hang from your rear view mirror. Continue to use the compressor to blow leaves, wrappers, whatever from the nooks and crannies of your vehicle's floor onto the middle of the carpet. That's where it will be easier to vacuum it up. Stiff brushes also loosen dirt from the carp ... read more