Posted on 6/26/2016

Discover AC Problems Early One useful technique for ensuring the air conditioning problems do not become too costly or difficult to repair is by catching them early. This may be done by understanding the regular warning signs. They include low airflow, blowing air that is warmer than usual, blowing damp or musty smelling air, and inconsistent airflow. When such signs arise, you should get professional AC repair service. However, there exist some maintenance tips that you can use to maintain the air conditioning system in excellent conditions so that you can avoid repairs. Other signs of Auto AC Failure include: • The AC system is not cooling properly or not cooling at all • If you experience intermittent cooling during acceleration of the car. • Foggy windows • If when the AC system is turned off, the engine runs rough or will stall. • If your car is overheating while using the AC system Air Conditioning Maintenance Practices In addition, to checking the int ... read more