NYC's Premier Tire Dealer


Monthly Archives: May 2016

Ten Things To Keep In Your Glove Box

Ten Things To Keep In Your Glove Box

Consider the lowly glove compartment -- it actually goes back to the earliest horseless carriages of about 1900, when the little box was actually meant for gloves (as part of any motorist's smart motoring ensemble). There's not much room in there, so what do you keep in your glove box? Fast-food mustard packets? Maps (who uses those anymore)? The kids' report cards? Here's a quick rundown of important things and convenient things you might want to keep in there: Owner's manual: Self-explanatory. Insurance papers: You may have that info on an app for your smart phone, but you're better off with a paper backup, too. Emergency numbers: Just in case. You don't want people to have to guess at that kind of thing. Medical information: Again, you don't want anyone to have to guess at this. Things like blood types, allergies, medications and other important stuff, if God forbid you're ever in an accident and c ... read more


Safety First

New Car Technologies You’re Likely To See Soon

New Car Technologies You’re Likely To See Soon

Consider the lowly glove compartment -- it actually goes back to the earliest horseless carriages of about 1900, when the little box was actually meant for gloves (as part of any motorist's smart motoring ensemble). There's not much room in there, so what do you keep in your glove box? Fast-food mustard packets? Maps (who uses those anymore)? The kids' report cards? Here's a quick rundown of important things and convenient things you might want to keep in there: Owner's manual: Self-explanatory. Insurance papers: You may have that info on an app for your smart phone, but you're better off with a paper backup, too. Emergency numbers: Just in case. You don't want people to have to guess at that kind of thing. Medical information: Again, you don't want anyone to have to guess at this. Things like blood types, allergies, medications and other important stuff, if God forbid you're ever in an accident and can't commu ... read more


Safety First