Posted on 8/18/2015

New 106 St Tire & Wheel Wheel Alignment Center Now on Northern Blvd...exciting news:Queens 106 St Tire & Wheel has now moved its 24 hour wheel alignment center to Northern Blvd. Our new alignment center address is 105-08 Northern Blvd and we're open 24 hours a day everyday ofthe year except Christmas. Our new wheel alignment center operates exactly the same as ourprevious location and, of course, has easier access because its on Northern Blvd. Vome on into our office as always, purchase an alignment ticket, take your car across the street,get your wheel alignment, SIMPLE, as always. Call our main location if you have questions24 hours 718-446-6769. All of our Queens locations do wheel alignments 7 days a week
Posted on 8/4/2015

Queens 106 St. Tire & Wheel, Inc is continuing its innovative role as a community educator by supplying information about gasoline prices, how to save money on gas and using better judgment while driving to improve gas mileage and driver and passenger safety. It's also adding a host of free services to customers. In January, 2011, 106 St Tire & Wheel became the only tire dealers in the world to have a free, informative, cutting edge, e-book downloadable from their website to offer empowering information for their customers and community and assist them with money saving tips during the recession. Please see our home page (middle of the page for a free copy). A 106 St Tire & Wheel spokeswoman stated, “We're increasing our efforts to make more information available to our customers and community as we do every year to raise awareness of during Rubber Manufacturer Association's (RMA) h annual National Tire Safety Week each year held in ... read more
Posted on 7/15/2015

Here's ten ways to save gasoline and keep your dough in your pocket! 1) Check your tire pressure once a month: Under-inflated tires are costly because they increase tire wear, waste gas and, more important, they cause serious injuries and deaths in what is a totally avoidable situation. There are over 10,000 tire related accidents each year in the U.S. and the number one cause of tire failure is under-inflated or improperly inflated tires. If you luckily escape injury or worse in an accident caused by under-inflated tires, it will cost you plenty financially in damage to your car, lost wages, property damage, deductibles, etc. Improper tire inflation also reduces your gas mileage by more than 3% therefore costing you extra at the pump. It's been estimated that under-inflated tires alone cost the country more than 3.5 million gallons of gasoline each day! Program your computer, i-phone, etc. to remind you to check your tire pressure or sim ... read more
Posted on 2/4/2014
by: Cole Matthews 106 ST Tire & Wheel Announces the Grand Opening of a Napa Car Care Center106 St Tire & Wheel, Inc a decades old tire and wheel chain in Queens, NYC is delighted to announce the opening of their 5th location at 105-08 Northern Blvd, 718-408-1245 open Monday through Sunday 8am-8pm. Now, 106 St Tire, is a member of the world famous Napa Auto Parts family and is a Napa Car Care Center focusing on preventative maintenance offering our customers in Brooklyn and Queens an opportunity to extend the life of their vehicle with reasonably priced car care. A spokeswoman for 106 St Tire & Wheel stated, “Too many of our customers do damage control rather than preventative maintenance. The problem with that is often additional needless expense in mechanical repairs. When not performed when warranted, issues tend to escalate to related parts and their function. For example, what may start out as a very low cost, simple brake pad ... read more