Save $$$ bucks with these quick tips:
Here are some great suggestions from Men's Health Magazine on how to beat a car sales person at their own game while you save a bundle:
1: Stay Out of the Showroom: Research, research, research and you will spend almost 90 minutes less in the showroom. While you are at it build your dream car at Edmunds.com as well and then request quotes from at least 3 car dealers.
2: Playing Hard Ball: After you get those multiple dealer quotes via email, play all the dealers against each other to win the deal. Don't go to the showrooms until you get the price you want or close to it. Always remember, the dealer's first quote is always a bad deal. Be point blank and say, "You will have to do better than that to win my business." Resist telling the sales person what you are willing to spend but rather get him or her to go as low as you can.
3: Timing is Everything: End of the month sales quotas can be a tool for you and a better price so wait out the dealerships. According to a former salesman Michael Royce, founder of BeatTheCarSalesman.com shop early because sales managers often offer a bonus to the sales person who closes the first deal on a Saturday morning.