Safety Tips You Don't Know
1) Men's Health states that ramp metering...you know...those annoying red lights that stop you from entering a highway...will save you time.
The use of traffic signals at highway on-ramps regulates traffic flow forcing a small time penalty on drivers at the beginning of their commutes. However, it pays off states the magazine. They quote David Schrank, Ph.D., of the Texas Transportation Institute: "Requiring vehicles to wait 20 or 30 seconds can save drivers 5 to 10 minutes on their trip."
2) Always be prepared for a water landing; most cars have electronic windows. Water and electricity don't mix well and your windows will short out when they come in contact with water. Result? You're trapped. Men's Health says, "Spend a few bucks on a center punch, a device shaped like a screwdriver but with a sharp center point. It makes breaking a window a cinch. Store it in your center console or glove box—not your trunk."
3) Just like airplanes seats, roads have been studied to see which lane is the safest. Men's Health quotes a safety expert recommending drivers stick to the center lane on highways. Apparently, rear-end crashes happen less there than any other lane. The most dangerous lane is the right one because of entrances and exits. Drivers that constantly change lanes save only 4 minutes in an approximate 80-minute drive while having a higher risk of being involved of being in an accident.