Posted on 8/18/2015

New 106 St Tire & Wheel Wheel Alignment Center Now on Northern Blvd...exciting news:Queens 106 St Tire & Wheel has now moved its 24 hour wheel alignment center to Northern Blvd. Our new alignment center address is 105-08 Northern Blvd and we're open 24 hours a day everyday ofthe year except Christmas. Our new wheel alignment center operates exactly the same as ourprevious location and, of course, has easier access because its on Northern Blvd. Vome on into our office as always, purchase an alignment ticket, take your car across the street,get your wheel alignment, SIMPLE, as always. Call our main location if you have questions24 hours 718-446-6769. All of our Queens locations do wheel alignments 7 days a week
Posted on 8/14/2015

It's been said that “a car engine is a machine that never has enough power.” While that's true for some, for most people their car is just fine as it came from the factory. Sometimes, though, you want to get a little more oomph and maybe one or two more MPGs out of your vehicle. We won't get into mods like a bolt-on turbocharger or a nitrous oxide tank, which can easily result in burned-out pistons or other expensive auto repair if done improperly! In the hands of a good auto repair technician, things like idle speed, fuel/air mixture, fuel metering and timing used to all be tweak-able on older vehicles. Today, that's all handled by the engine control computer. Still, there are a few ways to coax a few extra ponies out of your engine: New Spark Plugs: Spark plugs don't need to be replaced nearly as often as they did on cars from a generation ago, but they still need to be changed, usually at about the 100k mile mark. At one time, spark plug wires would ... read more
Posted on 8/14/2015

If you've driven around in Queens, NY very much, it's no secret to you that we've got more than our share of potholes. You can try to keep a sharp eye out for them and dodge them or swerve around them as much as possible, but eventually you're going to drop a wheel into a moon-crater-size pothole that rattles your teeth. Here are some ideas on how to minimize the damage (and auto repair bills) that come from encounters with potholes. Make sure your tires are properly inflated. Underinflated or overinflated tires are going to be much more prone to damage or blowouts from hitting a pothole. Properly inflated tires will also absorb more of the jolt, lessening the chance of damage to the rim or suspension parts. Slow down if you see one coming up and you can't avoid it. Easing your way through a pothole drastically reduces the risk of damage to a tire or rim. Watch cars in front of you. If you see other drivers swerve, there's a good chance they're trying to miss a pothole, and you shou ... read more
Posted on 8/11/2015

1) Where do used tires come from? Take a look around after the carnage of natural diasters like Hurricane Sandy and remember the millions of dollars in ruined vehicles? Cars, trucks, vans, more all ruined because of damage from fallen trees and flooding. When flood water gets inside your car, the inside is ruined. Flood water carries with it not only waste water but also street water containing spillage from leaking transmissions, oil leaks, antifreeze, etc. Interiors are ruined and drying them does not solve the situation as they are stained with waste materials like oil, grease, etc and maybe worse. Most times, a vehicle recovered from a flood will have the engine ruined by dirt, sand, debris getting into the engine and exhaust. Between body and fender damage, interior damage and engine damage, most cars will be totaled and ready for a junk yard. Also, cars in serious accidents that are "totaled" by insurance companies may be a pile of crushed metal but....the tires ... read more
Posted on 8/4/2015

Queens 106 St. Tire & Wheel, Inc is continuing its innovative role as a community educator by supplying information about gasoline prices, how to save money on gas and using better judgment while driving to improve gas mileage and driver and passenger safety. It's also adding a host of free services to customers. In January, 2011, 106 St Tire & Wheel became the only tire dealers in the world to have a free, informative, cutting edge, e-book downloadable from their website to offer empowering information for their customers and community and assist them with money saving tips during the recession. Please see our home page (middle of the page for a free copy). A 106 St Tire & Wheel spokeswoman stated, “We're increasing our efforts to make more information available to our customers and community as we do every year to raise awareness of during Rubber Manufacturer Association's (RMA) h annual National Tire Safety Week each year held in ... read more