106 St Tire & Wheel will be on the road to SEMA 2015 in Las Vegas!
106 St Tire always attends the SEMA show, which is the largest automotive industry show in the world. It displays the latest and greatest in the industry and keeps our technology, as well as the world's auto tech, up to date. In a world where technology is advancing as fast as it is, it's critical for our organization to keep our knowledge and skill up to date to better serve our customers with KNOWLEDGE.
106 St Tire is a progressive organization, understanding that knowledge is power, so off we go! We will do as we usually do and make what we see available to our customers on our Facebook page, so come and follow us for great photos fresh from Las Vegas starting this Sunday, November 1st, 2015
Meanwhile back at the "ranch" you can expect our 5 locations to be open to serve your auto needs as usual as we are fully staffed and ready to serve you as always.
Please remember we have two 24 hour locations now:
106-01 Northern Blvd, 718-446-6769
105-08 Northern Blvd, 718-446-6769
We're open every day of the year, 24/7, holidays included, except Christmas
Our other locations are open 7 days at 118-02 Merrick Blvd 718-276-4070, 79-20 Queens Blvd 718-458-2500
and 43-15 108 St 718-271-9700, open 7 days and most holidays.106 St Tire is staffed to perform most services 24/7, merely make an appointment by calling 718-446-6769 24 hours
or make one on this site at http://106sttire.comhttps://106sttireandwheel.autotext.me/Admin/kioskv2/index.php?id=VnVGYnB4MkhRbGtGSC9TY0VMQis2dz09&appt=1 or just come on in.
See you from Vegas and SEMA!