Posted on 12/16/2015

Keeping a beautiful car surface Ever watch a woman care for her face? Lotions, creams, massage, reducing eye puffiness...your car's surface, to stay at its best, needs care like that. Fortunately, we live in the information age and we can access all kinds of information or just read 106 St Tire & Wheel's blog as we gather information to share with our customers. Over the next several days, we are going to share 10 secrets to better car detailing from pros who do it for a living. First, know this. Auto paint surfaces, like everything else in the world, have evolved and improved making things easier. So toss out all that old junk like chamois and go 21st century, for example, with modern products like microfiber cloths. Let us caution you everything else, one must do their homework, know your limitations and follow the expert's advice. When in doubt, do nothing! Seek the advice of an expert in auto detailing. Mess up your paint job? Don't look at us ... read more
Posted on 12/10/2015

What you need to know about lease returns! Yesterday, our blog contained some insightful information from Men's Health about leasing a car. In a word, the magazine said: DON'T.Today, we are talking about what if you do and the lease is up. What's good lease return advice? Well, 106 St Tire & Wheel can help you not get stung by a dealer. And don't tell us you have a great rapport with the dealer....truth is, the dealer does NOT check in your car, an independent agent does. So don't kid yourself. If the car's condition is less than what that person wants, you will foot the bill. And, by the way, who is that person? No one you know, let us assure you. You know this, right? You do not own your LEASED CAR. You are LEASING it; the dealer is going to sell your car when you return it. Any damage done, even those little nicks, dents and dings are going to cost you. What's more, even if you have a great relationship with your dealer, more than likely, an independent, hard b ... read more
Posted on 12/9/2015

Great car tips from Men's Health"Buy, Don't Lease Leasing is more expensive because you're using up the best years of the car's life. A monthly lease payment is precisely calculated to ensure that you pay for every penny of that dizzying depreciation, along with interest and other fees. If you'll keep the car at least 5 years, buying is usually a better deal. Arrive Armed Before going to the dealership, learn your credit score and check with your bank (as well as sites like about loan options—or you'll be at the mercy of the dealer's finance office. Just don't take on a loan that will last longer than you'll own the car. As a general rule, if you have to stretch the payments beyond four years, you can't afford the car. Ace the Details If you want to customize a new car without making it look like something out of Pimp My Ride, start with the ... read more
Posted on 12/6/2015

Yep, we said fertility! More about that on the bottom of this article! Holidaytime...its Christmas time in the city, feel the chaos? See the traffic jams? Parking pandemonium?Here's a few hints to make the season a bit safer in more ways than one. It goes without saying: DO NOT DRINK, DRUG AND DRIVE! Right? So we're having a little fun here today but safety is no laughing matter. 106 St Tire & Wheels is pointing out some important information here that may not be in your memory bank......yet. Here's a few other things you might need to know: Eliminate Distractions Truthfully, our eyes tend to follow where our hands go. FACT: Adjusting your radio dial takes 5.5 seconds. Guess what! That's 5.5 seconds that you are NOT watching the road! If you dial your phone while driving, that single act triples your risk of a car crash. Reach for a moving object and that increases the possibility of a crash by 9 TIMES! Texting while driving? Well, first, it's aga ... read more
Posted on 12/3/2015

Tire rotations free!* (see below) Rotating your tires is important. Why? It's important that tires wear evenly. In general, we advise our customers that it is best to link similarly timed maintenance functions, especially low-cost ones, to save you time and avoid forgetting essential maintenance and safety tasks. In general, we recommend that you get your oil changed when you get your tires rotated, however, we've taken it a step further. 106 St Tire & Wheel gives our customers a free tire rotation whenever you get an oil change. At all 106 St Tire & Wheel locations, we offer oil change and free tire rotation on most cars for $25. The reason we state "most cars" is this: some SUVs, pickups and vans use more oil than smaller cars. It's that simple. When you get the oil changed, assuming you do that at least once a year and more often if you drive, say, more than 10,000 miles annually and if you remember from other blogs we wrote, your driving conditions living ... read more