Posted on 4/21/2017

Your vehicle's engine relies on three things to be able to run – air, fuel, and spark. The air that enters the engine's fuel system has to be clean and free of tiny particulates like grit, dust, pollen and sand. Were these particles to enter the engine, they would soon cause wear and damage. Prior to the 1960s, engines used an oil bath filter where air would enter the system and be directed across a sump of oil; hopefully, particles would be trapped in the surface of the oil. Oil bath air filters were messy and inefficient and were replaced by a paper element filter in the early 60s. Paper air filters draw air past a pleated paper element, not unlike the intake filter in your home's A/C system. So how often does the filter need to be changed? That depends on how you drive, and where you're driving. If most of your driving is in the city, your air filter can easily last 20,000 miles between changes. If you regularly drive on gravel or caliche roads, you can figure on that interva ... read more
Posted on 3/31/2016

NYC, we got them and we got them bad! Severe road conditions that is. We all know when the National Weather Service says there is a severe weather warning, we need to take precautions. Our blog has pointed out many times during this last year the fact that in the NYC area we always drive under "severe road and traffic conditions" and we have spoken about many factors contributing to dangerous, over used, never maintained roads, traffic, stop and go driving, sudden breaking due to highways seemingly converging traffic and drivers going from doing 55 mph to 10 mph for miles and miles, etc. Nowhere in the USA except other major metropolises like Los Angeles, Chicago, Atlanta, etc, do we find the scope and dimension of what we all know is dangerous roads, extensive drive time and gas consuming, etc which place tremendous burdens on our vehicles and on our nerves. Of course, weather always factors in making severe driving conditions and severe road factors nearly impossible and ... read more
Posted on 3/24/2016

5 Quick Tips about Oil Changes Our expert technicians at 106St. Tire and Wheel are thrilled to assist customers improve vehicle functionality and safety for the summer months ahead. All locations of 106St Tire and Wheel offer oil changes for most cars starting at $25 for the first 5 qts. and a free tire rotation. Our Northern Blvd location is open 24/7, so schedule your appointment now. Call us 718-446-6769 / just drive on in / or click: http://106sttire.com Why are oil changes so important? 1.Engine Performance:Changing oil regularly helps maintain vital engine performance and engine operation. Allowing improved functionality and smoother driving, changing oil every 3,000 will keep internal engine parts clean and lubricated.... a r ... read more
Posted on 3/21/2016

A good auto service technician could adjust things like idle speed, fuel/air mixture, fuel metering and timing on older vehicles so you could get more pick up from your ride. Today, that's all handled by the engine control computer. Still, there are a few ways to coax your engine into better performance. Air Filter: An engine relies on air, fuel and spark to run. The “air” part of that equation is pretty easy to enhance. A dirty air filter will, of course, restrict the flow of critical fresh air into the fuel system. This compromises fuel economy and power. The filter should be changed at regular intervals; for those who are looking to enhance performance. Aftermarket air filters are available for even freer breathing ability. Engines also perform better when they can take in colder, denser air, and cold-air induction systems can offer a slight boost in power and fuel economy. It's an easy auto repair item that can offer a noticeable, immediate improvemen ... read more
Posted on 1/28/2016

Are you driving merrily along until some maintenance issue is thrust upon you at the most inconvenient moment? For example, you're in bumper to bumper traffic and you step on your brakes and they aren't there? That's one heck of a place for that to happen. We hope you are a member of AAA because it will be unsafe to continue to drive and you will need to be towed. Really, most of these kinds of mechanical failures can be avoided and 106 St Tire & Wheel is here to help you do you that with lots of FREE services to avoid the inconvenience and dangers of the situation above. We offer free brake inspections. For you do-it-yourselfers, here's some great brake advice on determining if your brakes need replacing or service: OBSERVATION!Look at your brake pads... And while we are at it, we will inspect your tires FREE and check your tire pressure FREE. LISTEN! Are you hearing that tell tale high pitched screeching sound? You are receiving that audible sou ... read more