Posted on 12/15/2015

Full-Size Spare Tires... Spare tires are a thing of the past, however, if you have room in your trunk, a full-size spare is really worth it. We are not speaking about those small "donuts" just to ride on until you are off the highway and find a service center that will give you a good price on a new one or a used one. Places like 106 St Tire & Wheel don't exist everywhere let alone ones that are open on holidays and all night like we are. We are speaking about a full-size tire on a real metal rim. Yes, they are heavy.... yes, they are a thing of the past....yes, the weight helps you reduce gasoline efficiency but... One advantage is that if you are traveling, you can slap on the real spare and you can keep going without paying higher tire dealer prices somewhere along your journey. You will save money and not sacrifice safety or time. If you do lots of driving, this is a low cost option; a used wheel and a used tire are very affordable. Donut type spares are really not safe to be ... read more
Posted on 12/14/2015

Renting a car for holiday travel? It's advisable to spend about 15 minutes plus acquainting ourselves with the features in the new car we just stepped into. But, that's easier said than done when you have the pressure of stepping behind the wheel of a brand new car, have to quickly acclimate yourself, start it and keep the line of existing drivers and cars moving out of the rental car's garage or parking lot. You may feel pressured because of the line behind you. After exiting, just pull over and do a quick study until you feel comfortable. Here's a hint about gassing up which you will need to do sooner rather than later if you don't want to pay the rental company's gas price: Your rented vehicle's fuel gauge tells you which side your gas tank is on in the new cars.Vehicle manufacturers use what has been called a "secret triangle" to show you where your tank is....see below. Next time you hop in a rented car, look on your car's fuel indicator for this small arrow beside the gas pump i ... read more
Posted on 12/13/2015

So...where's the snow? No snow SO FAR is no guarantee we won't have the usual January and February weather challenges. And 106 St Tire & Wheels is certainly not advocating you buy snow tires just in case. All weather tires can work fine. But, here's the deal...tire tread must be at a safe depth and our 106 St Tire & Wheel locations will check your tire tread for free! Drivers need to be really careful about tire tread getting too low because it's dangerous and the danger increases when the weather gets ugly. Once you can touch the wear bar on your tire at any point on that tire then the tread is too low and it becomes dangerous. If the edges of your tires are worn down that means your alignment is probably off and you should seriously consider new tires and 106 St Tire locations have used tires that will do fine and are very affordable. You can test your own tires but why bother when this is a free no obligation service at all of our locations. But, if you want to give it a tr ... read more
Posted on 12/10/2015

What you need to know about lease returns! Yesterday, our blog contained some insightful information from Men's Health about leasing a car. In a word, the magazine said: DON'T.Today, we are talking about what if you do and the lease is up. What's good lease return advice? Well, 106 St Tire & Wheel can help you not get stung by a dealer. And don't tell us you have a great rapport with the dealer....truth is, the dealer does NOT check in your car, an independent agent does. So don't kid yourself. If the car's condition is less than what that person wants, you will foot the bill. And, by the way, who is that person? No one you know, let us assure you. You know this, right? You do not own your LEASED CAR. You are LEASING it; the dealer is going to sell your car when you return it. Any damage done, even those little nicks, dents and dings are going to cost you. What's more, even if you have a great relationship with your dealer, more than likely, an independent, hard b ... read more
Posted on 12/9/2015

Great car tips from Men's Health"Buy, Don't Lease Leasing is more expensive because you're using up the best years of the car's life. A monthly lease payment is precisely calculated to ensure that you pay for every penny of that dizzying depreciation, along with interest and other fees. If you'll keep the car at least 5 years, buying is usually a better deal. Arrive Armed Before going to the dealership, learn your credit score and check with your bank (as well as sites like about loan options—or you'll be at the mercy of the dealer's finance office. Just don't take on a loan that will last longer than you'll own the car. As a general rule, if you have to stretch the payments beyond four years, you can't afford the car. Ace the Details If you want to customize a new car without making it look like something out of Pimp My Ride, start with the ... read more