Posted on 11/25/2015

Here's something you've never thought about! It's not your tires that support the weight of your is the air pressure in your tires! Think about that, please? It may give new meaning to something critically important and that's maintaining the correct air pressure in your tires so your vehicle gets proper traction, handles the way it is supposed to and your tires get the durability they are supposed to have. Winter is approaching, traction is critical to your drive in snow and ice.Handling is important all the time but even more so in the winter, right? You cannot set your tire pressure and forget about it. It has to be checked at least once a month. 106 St Tire & Wheel does this for free and offers free compressed air, so no worries, but the thing is you have to get yourself to one of our stores to maintain your tires in a safe condition to face the challenges of winter driving in the big city. Two of our locations are open 24/7 everyday of the year except Christmas ... read more
Posted on 11/24/2015

106 ST Tire & Wheel's Newest Location Open Holidays 24/7; State of the Art Wheel Alignment Center & Repair Shop ...both locations on Northern Blvd are open holidays 24/7 except Christmas 106 St Tire & Wheel, Inc an established tire and wheel business in Queens, NYC has announced the opening of their 5th location at 105-08 Northern Blvd. Now, as a member of the renowned Napa Auto Parts family, 106 St Tire's new Napa Car Care Center will offer customers in Brooklyn and Queens an opportunity to extend the life of their vehicle with reasonably priced car care. A 106 St Tire spokeswoman stated, “Too many of our customers do damage control rather than preventative maintenance. The problem with that is often additional needless expense as mechanical repairs, when not performed when warranted, tend to cause escalate to related parts and their function. For example, what may start out as a very low cost, simple brake pad replacement land ... read more
Posted on 11/23/2015

Green is GOOD!a few quick tips on helping earth heal: keep tires properly inflated replace filters regularly change oil regularly check your gas cap recycle/dispose of engine oil, old tires, batteries properly if you have serious engine problems chose a used or rebuilt engine a better tomorrow for our kids is a choice we make TODAY
Posted on 11/22/2015

FAQ series from 106 St Tire & Wheel:8 Tips to Extend the Life of your Car1) Check and change your oil regularly. There's some controversy on how often. 106 St Tire & Wheel advises you to check your owner's manual.That's the best place to get accurate information specific to YOUR CAR. If your owner's manual is not around, Google it and you will probably find itonline in a downloadable format. Example for searching for it online? Google example: Owner's Manual 2009 Toyota Camry. That kind of search is bound to turn it up. And remember, there's no single step in auto maintenance that will help your engine last more than regular oil and oil filter changes will. Neglecting your oil level checks or oil changes will shorten the life of your vehicle. 2) Flushing your cooling system and changing coolant once a year is the best way to keep your system properly functioning. Proper mixture of coolant ... read more
Posted on 11/20/2015

Safety Tips for Holiday Travelers Thanksgiving is rapidly approaching! Then Christmas! Will you be doing "over the river and through the woods to Grandma's house" in your car? Well, folks, make sure that "sleigh" is safe, weather ready and you and your family are comfortable. Your friends at 106 St Tire & Wheel are deeply invested in anything auto...we place a high value on educating our customers so read on to learn more about road conditions, traffic, saving money, staying safe and awake! It goes without saying to before leaving, please, take your car to one of our locations for a free 47 point safety check that includes the major automotive systems, your tires, your brakes, your fluids, your lights, etc. DO IT BEFORE YOU LEAVE FOR EVERYONE'S SAFETY INCLUDING OTHER DRIVERS! You can be no safer on any road then the condition of your vehicle lets you be and there is something you can do by making safety your priority before the trip. 1. Start off ... read more