Posted on 10/14/2016

Electrical SystemsElectrical System Maintenance (Part 2) To ensure proper maintenance of the cars electrical system, you need to clean off the connections on the battery from time to time. This will help to prevent unnecessary tear and wear on the car's starter. We've already looked at the importance of keeping the battery in working order. Also, having the car's electrical system tested regularly plays an important role in diagnosing and repairing problems while they are still small and less expensive to deal with. The car battery needs to be changed after some time. The cables need to be tight such that they do not move at all. The battery should also be taken for load tests to ensure that it is charging as it should be. The water level in the battery should be checked regularly; if the water level is low, add water immediately and ensure it is distilled ... read more
Posted on 10/13/2016

Electrical SystemsElectrical System Maintenance A car relies on its electrical system to ensure smooth running and operation. Unfortunately, many car owners do not pay attention to the electrical system because it does not need to be inspected as often as the car's moving parts. Knowing what comprises a car's electrical system is very important in making sure it runs smoothly. Some common problems that are caused by the electrical system include: 1. Little or no power in the battery This is one of the very common problems that occur in a vehicle. Sometimes the battery is totally out of power, which makes it hard to start the car, and sometimes battery seems to have power that is less than the threshold needed to get the engine running. This is a very frustrating experience, especially if you are in a hurry. 2. Alternator not functioning The alternator is one of the most important compo ... read more