Posted on 12/3/2015

Tire rotations free!* (see below) Rotating your tires is important. Why? It's important that tires wear evenly. In general, we advise our customers that it is best to link similarly timed maintenance functions, especially low-cost ones, to save you time and avoid forgetting essential maintenance and safety tasks. In general, we recommend that you get your oil changed when you get your tires rotated, however, we've taken it a step further. 106 St Tire & Wheel gives our customers a free tire rotation whenever you get an oil change. At all 106 St Tire & Wheel locations, we offer oil change and free tire rotation on most cars for $25. The reason we state "most cars" is this: some SUVs, pickups and vans use more oil than smaller cars. It's that simple. When you get the oil changed, assuming you do that at least once a year and more often if you drive, say, more than 10,000 miles annually and if you remember from other blogs we wrote, your driving conditions living ... read more
Posted on 11/10/2015

Tire tip of the day: Some drivers follow the old wives' tale advice to reduce air pressure in tires during cold weather to increase traction. The problem: While it MIGHT increase traction in some instances, it will cause undue tire wear when the weather warms.Solution: Keep tire pressure at recommended levels. Don't feel comfortable doing the above? Any location of 106 St Tire & Wheel will check your tire pressure FREE. We will check your tire tread FREE. We will fill your tires with compressed air to the recommendation of the manufacturer of your specific car FREE. ....and lots more. Just come on into any location, see above in the header, remember we are open at 2 Northern Blvd locations 24/7 and leave the rest to us. Be SAFE, not sorry. Call us 718-446-6769 24 hours, holidays included, 7 days, closed only Christmas