Posted on 6/22/2015

At 106 St. Tire & Wheel, we know that driving around the streets of Queens, NY can be pretty tough on tires and wheels. We also know that many drivers want to dress up their rides a little and personalize them with custom tires and wheels, so here are a few tips for buying tires and wheels in Queens, NY: When shopping for wheels (<=see some of famous make wheels), make sure that your new wheels will be load-rated to your vehicle. Find the information placard on your vehicle (usually located on the door frame of the driver's door, or inside the glove box) and find the Gross Axle Weight Rating of the heaviest axle on the vehicle. Your wheel load rating is based on 50 percent of the heaviest GAWR of the vehicle. If you're planning on oversize wheels and tires, be mindful of outside fender clearance, inside fender well clearance and suspension and steering specs, including the number of turns ... read more
Posted on 2/6/2014
106 St Tire & Wheel is gearing up for wheel season as we heard the geese migrating back to the northeast 3 times this week. Our wheel collections cannot be beat by any other wheel dealer in Queens and Brooklyn and ask for our wheel guru and he will guide you through selecting a very hot wheen and tire package at a great 106 St Tire & Wheel price. Check out our HOT VIDEO and see some of our rim jobs, but, fasten your seat belt first, as this video oves so fast you will need to replay it to see these gorgeous, hot, rims jobs our customers have had done! Want to be one of these people driving hotter rised? Call us at 718-446-6769 ask for Willy or Miguel: FASTEN YOUR SEAT BELTS BROOKLYN AND QUEENS................... WANT THE HOTTEST DEALS IN NYC? Get hot deals on wheels: