Posted on 2/9/2016

By definition, your spare tire is exactly that, a spare in case of an emergency. Meanwhile while we wait for an emergency, we forget to check on our spare tire simply because it's not needed........yet. And when it's needed, it might not be ready to do its job because many of us don't do what we have to do to keep our cars, tires, brakes, etc in good a word: maintenance. The problem with that kind of thinking is that it's not preventative as is, unfortunately, a lot of maintenance issues. The whole concept of preventative car care is to avoid accidents, get the best performance, stay prepared for situations that come up unexpected, avoid costly repairs and situations and extend the life of our car and its tires. Think about it. Isn't it a pain when your car doesn't start on a cold morning? But, when have you had your car battery checked last? Batteries have a life expectancy. How old is yours? Same with your spare tire....It's there, you know it and we all ignore it an ... read more
Posted on 1/22/2016
Take a look at this test sponsored by Bridgestone and author Jason Torchinsky In this great demo video you can see the difference on an ice skating rink with specially designed trike tires. Remember, as we stated, winter tires are composed of different materials than all seaon tires, they have special treads and patterns meant to push snow away from your tires making them better handling, safer tires in the snow and ice. 106 St Tire is the best place in Queens to get your winter tires as we stock 10,000 new and used tires. All of our locations will be open regular hours. We're here for you 24/7 at 2 locations 106-01 Northern Blvd and 105-08 Northern Blvd 718-446-6769.106 St did a side by side comparison of all-weather tires vs winter tires last week. Please see our post on January 15th.Please take this storm very seriously? Don't be a statistic! Come follow us on Facebook at
Posted on 1/20/2016

In January, 2011, 106 St Tire & Wheel became the only tire dealers in Queens, NY to have a free, informative, cutting edge, e-book downloadable from their website to offer empowering information for customers and community and assist them with money saving tips.. Please see our home page (middle of the page for a free copy). At that time, gas cost more per gallon then it does now, of course, however, since climate change has been recently acknowledged by the world, thinking about greenhouse gases is important. The more gas you burn...the more you support pollution. The more pollution, the more kids and seniors suffer the ill effects of breathing in greenhouse gases, More gasoline, poorer running engines, more idling, inproperly inflated tires, more pollution. The larger the impact on earth especially because most of us are in a population dense area. 106 St Tire & Wheel is advising customers to be aware of cutting corners on the costs of driving their car with ... read more
Posted on 1/15/2016

Winter's cold weather causes the rubber tread on all season or summer tire to stiffen and does not provide sufficient traction for wintry conditions. Tire design in tread rubber of winter tires are designed to remain flexible allowing the tire to grip the road better. And its not just tread design, its also the composition of the tire. It's not uncommon for drivers to think a tire is a tire. However, that is not true. Tires vary in composition, in tread depth and design and more, all suited for a specific driving purpose and need. Many cars leave the factory with all season tires. Those tires provide a fairly quiet ride, have good tread life and get good fuel economy. They are popular as all season tires offer flexible performance on a bevy of road services having been specifically designed to perform in a variety of conditions. Those conditions include dry roads, wet roads and light winter driving. Unfortunately, that does not mean that all season tires combine the best performance o ... read more
Posted on 11/24/2015

106 ST Tire & Wheel's Newest Location Open Holidays 24/7; State of the Art Wheel Alignment Center & Repair Shop ...both locations on Northern Blvd are open holidays 24/7 except Christmas 106 St Tire & Wheel, Inc an established tire and wheel business in Queens, NYC has announced the opening of their 5th location at 105-08 Northern Blvd. Now, as a member of the renowned Napa Auto Parts family, 106 St Tire's new Napa Car Care Center will offer customers in Brooklyn and Queens an opportunity to extend the life of their vehicle with reasonably priced car care. A 106 St Tire spokeswoman stated, “Too many of our customers do damage control rather than preventative maintenance. The problem with that is often additional needless expense as mechanical repairs, when not performed when warranted, tend to cause escalate to related parts and their function. For example, what may start out as a very low cost, simple brake pad replacement land ... read more