Posted on 6/15/2017

Tire InstallationHow to Properly Inflate Your Tires to Stay Safe on the Road (Part 2) NOTE: This is the second part of our series on tire inflation. Please click here for Part 1. How do you check the inflation level of your tires? There are many people who are unsure how to do this or people who think they can just look at a tire to determine if it is under or over-inflated. Estimating the air pressure level in your tire by looking at them will never give you accurate results. There is a small tool that can be purchased at any auto supply store, as well as many home improvement centers, and perhaps your local hardware store. It's called a tire pressure gauge, and you can simply place it on the nozzle of your tire and get a reading of the air pressure within your tires. Trying to gauge it by eye may result in 20% over-inflated ... read more