Posted on 3/30/2016

Deep down, everyone knows that there's a limited amount of oil on the planet, and that gasoline-powered vehicles have some pretty nasty side effects for the environment. More and more people have opted for alternative fuels, but it's important to be able to take the bad with the good when it comes to alternative fuels. If you're considering making a switch, here are some things to consider: HybridsPros: Not a whole lot different from driving any other vehicle – they run on regular gasoline and don't come with much of a change in lifestyle or driving habits. Cons: Often a higher sticker price than a conventional counterpart, and sometimes hybrids tend to disappoint when it comes to fuel economy. Lack of power and acceleration with older models. Plug-In HybridPros: No emissions in all-electric mode, cheap cost per mile, and home recharging. Cons: Higher sticker price, daytime c ... read more
Posted on 3/29/2016

You may not think about your brakes often however there's a stiff penalty for that: BRAKE FAILURE!...and NYers, you more than any other city, need to remember you have special conditions that wear out brakesmush sooner than any city in Idaho, Nebraska, Albany, Tuscany...think "severe driving conditions." While other systems in your vehicle can be forgiving in that they will continue to work and it won't keep your car from starting, the really scary thing to keep in mind is once your brakes go, you may not be able to stop which will certainly hurt someone, something or perhaps kill pedestrians, kids, yourself or your own family, etc. There's no point in saying "brakes last 1-2 years" or the wear out in 10,000 miles. That's not the way it is, at least, not here in the Big Apple, NY, USA. Here are some factors that make that kind of advice dumb and dangerous for we NYers: 1) do you ride your brakes rather than adjust your speed for road and traffic conditions? 2) you live in NYC and, as ... read more
Posted on 3/26/2016

Okay, so it's the day after Easter and you had a great dinner of roast leg of lamb, maybe, or perhaps, a slow roasted baked ham....great sides, desserts and, of course, those wonderful colored Easter eggs. So, on with life as the Monday after Easter takes us all back to work. All of a sudden, you smell rotten eggs. Quick, check your pockets and see if you grabbed a few before you left your hosts house. If you don't have the eggs but you got the smell, you got a catalytic converter issue. Bad news, too, because this replacement is expensive...your car will not pass inspections because of emissions so you will have no choice. This is not a regular maintenance issue although your check engine light should go on. The biggest concern is emissions and you may have a car that can't get out of its own way because of a very sluggish engine and that could pose a threat in traffic. Here's what catalytic converters do: they change harmful emissions into harmless gas. And if they go bad, they need ... read more
Posted on 3/24/2016

5 Quick Tips about Oil Changes Our expert technicians at 106St. Tire and Wheel are thrilled to assist customers improve vehicle functionality and safety for the summer months ahead. All locations of 106St Tire and Wheel offer oil changes for most cars starting at $25 for the first 5 qts. and a free tire rotation. Our Northern Blvd location is open 24/7, so schedule your appointment now. Call us 718-446-6769 / just drive on in / or click: http://106sttire.com Why are oil changes so important? 1.Engine Performance:Changing oil regularly helps maintain vital engine performance and engine operation. Allowing improved functionality and smoother driving, changing oil every 3,000 will keep internal engine parts clean and lubricated.... a r ... read more
Posted on 3/23/2016

Have you been hitting potholes this winter? If so, read on about wheel alignments: Every new vehicle's wheels are set at very specific angles for proper drivability, stability, and handling before it leaves the factory. The critical alignment angles for the front wheels are toe-in and toe-out. This refers to the direction in which a wheel points (relative to a dead-ahead straight line); caster, which refers to the position of the top of the wheel, and camber, which is the offset of the suspension relative to an imaginary vertical straight line behind the wheel. Many newer vehicles also are designed with adjustable rear suspensions, and a four-wheel alignment ensures that the rear wheels' “thrust angle” is at a proper relationship with the front wheels. Frankly, there are only two major signs that can indicate improper wheel alignment. One is a persistent pull to the right or left, as an improperly-aligned wheel constantly tries to steer the car in a different direction. T ... read more