Posted on 3/8/2016

We're in a NEW place!!!! We're 3D! In case you missed our grand opening, our new alignment center is now located just across the street at 105-08 Northern Blvd and its state-of-the-art 3D technology. In the city that never sleeps this center is open 24 hours a day including all holidays, closed only Christmas. Wheel alignments are really important maintenance for your vehicle and the bumpy streets and potholes that appear each spring really mandates you remembering how many miles you have put on since your last alignment. Old tires, poorly inflated tires, potholes and mileage make wheel alignments critical for avoiding the expensive parts and labor involved in front end work. A vehicle with a bad front-end becomes dangerous, tough to steer and is a ticking time bond. Bottom line? You need an alignment if you have: · Uneven tread wear · Vehicle pulling to the left or right · Your steering wheel is off center when driving straight · Steering wheel vibration ... read more
Posted on 3/7/2016

Living in NYC is a balancing act for us and your tires & wheels! Well, here's one more thing to balance...your drive. A smooth, flawless ride is important for your vehicle especially your tires, front end and brakes. Today, we're talking about getting our wheels and tires to rotate at varying speeds without vibrations. Here's a secret...even brand new tires are not perfectly round. More secrets, sssh....the weight of your tires are not perfectly distributed. In some spots they are lighter and in others they are heavier. And any of the above can lead to vibrations and less than a smooth ride. Tires that are not balanced can really be a huge issue because vibrations are the least of your issues. The real cost is very rapid tire wear of your brand new tires and your suspension will suffer greatly costing some bucks you don't need to spend. At 106 St Tire new tires are mounted on wheels then they're spun-balanced by computer to detect vibrations. Many vibrations can be eliminated by r ... read more
Posted on 3/1/2016

Your Battery & What You May not Know: Ever have dirty battery cables be the cause of your ride not starting? Here's one of our annoyingly over used words: MAINTENANCE. The cables on your battery are subject to corrosion and, eventually, that will prevent your car from starting despite your battery being just fine. The ultimate result? Your day will be delayed or perhaps ruined. What if this happens in the middle of the night after a night out? Inconvenience is guaranteed, where it happens could be a dark and dangerous place. A small amount of maintenance can prevent the above. Here's how to do it: 1-always loosen, wiggle the cap off the cable and disconnect your negative terminal first and use a plastic tie to make sure to remove it from your work field. Why? Glad you asked. If your negative terminal is connected, it's still wired and connected to your entire car. Drop a tool on the battery or touch the wires and an electrical short may result. By leaving the ne ... read more
Posted on 2/29/2016

According to federal law, new cars must be equipped with Tire Pressure Monitoring Systems (TPMS). Federal laws were passed to improve safety and add this system because improperly inflated tires cause accidents, property damage, lost time at work and, most seriously, LIVES. Properly inflated tires have more traction, extend the live of you expensive tires, brake better and give you better mileage. In American, over 10,000 accidents a year are caused by improperly inflated tires! 106 St Tire and Wheel take this seriously as should you and therefore we provide free tire pressure checks are always available. We're TPMS experts and can replace sensors and do sensor resets. improves traction improves gas mileage adds to safety by having brakes be more responsive extends the life of your tires offers a better ride how precious is your family? Remember, your tires are the only part of your car that touches the ground. Make sure they have tread, make sure they are inflated properly, che ... read more
Posted on 2/25/2016

Is an grimey, yucky, greasy messy engine a red flag? NO! Is a clean one a good sign? NO! Ever open a hood and see a sparkling clean engine? Are you envious? Does it always mean the car you're looking at is in good condition? Hell, no. Even if it looks like Aunt Tillie has just waxed and polished it, is it an absolute good deal? Nope. Sure, it looks great and your thinking, "man, this baby is clean and kewl looking." Not so fast. Car dealers and buyers might be using a little psychology on you. A squeaky clean engine compartment makes any car, especially, a used car look newer and better maintained than it might be. All that glitters is not gold, remember. Ask the seller for his maintenance records to make sure what you see is what you get. Don't ever judge the cleanliness of the engine compartment as a statement about how good the car is. There are businesses who specifically do engine services such as cleaning and preparing cars for sale....of course, looks always matter but go into b ... read more