Posted on 12/29/2015

3 More Quick Tips from Men's Health Magazine Dump that SUV: Men's Health points out some down sides of driving an SUV. They say your SUV brakes more slowly, accelerates more slowly, takes more time to get through intersections, use more gas, pollute the environment more than mid-size cars and the likelihood of a rollover is increased considerably. Also, SUVs' size tend to cause issues for other drivers which may mean you land up in an accident. The visibility of other drivers impact safety because of blindspots...theirs and yours. Automotive Repair Issues? Be Specific: Need a repair? Think you do? Take notes of everything that happens because a good mechanic wants the facts. Write down such things as: 1) was the engine hot? 2) did whatever happen on a turn? 3) what kind of road were you on? 4) you heard what? Men's Health says be specific: "For instance, say, 'I hear a high-pitched squeal when I accelerate, and then it stops after 30 mph. A good mecha ... read more
Posted on 12/22/2015

Safety Tips You Don't Know 1) Men's Health states that ramp know...those annoying red lights that stop you from entering a highway...will save you time. The use of traffic signals at highway on-ramps regulates traffic flow forcing a small time penalty on drivers at the beginning of their commutes. However, it pays off states the magazine. They quote David Schrank, Ph.D., of the Texas Transportation Institute: "Requiring vehicles to wait 20 or 30 seconds can save drivers 5 to 10 minutes on their trip." 2) Always be prepared for a water landing; most cars have electronic windows. Water and electricity don't mix well and your windows will short out when they come in contact with water. Result? You're trapped. Men's Health says, "Spend a few bucks on a center punch, a device shaped like a screwdriver but with a sharp center point. It makes breaking a window a cinch. Store it in your center console or glove box—not your trunk." 3) Just like airplanes seats, roads have ... read more
Posted on 12/21/2015

Save $$$ bucks with these quick tips:Here are some great suggestions from Men's Health Magazine on how to beat a car sales person at their own game while you save a bundle: 1: Stay Out of the Showroom: Research, research, research and you will spend almost 90 minutes less in the showroom. While you are at it build your dream car at as well and then request quotes from at least 3 car dealers. 2: Playing Hard Ball: After you get those multiple dealer quotes via email, play all the dealers against each other to win the deal. Don't go to the showrooms until you get the price you want or close to it. Always remember, the dealer's first quote is always a bad deal. Be point blank and say, "You will have to do better than that to win my business." Resist telling the sales person what you are willing to spend but rather get him or her to go as low as you can. 3: Timing is Everything: End of the month sales quotas can be a tool for you and a better ... read more
Posted on 12/20/2015

Simple, fast tips to make your windshield wipers last longer! Here's how: 1: keep your windshield as clean as possible so keep your windshield wiper reservoir full. Having your blades scrape over dirt wears your blades out much faster. 2: keep your windshield wiper blades as clean as possible by using a clean towel or rag, spraying it and cleaning your blades often 3: stand your blades up to keep them from freezing to your windshield in rough weather. Pull them away from your windshield (see photo) ...gently please if you have never done this before. If they don't stand up put a plastic grocery bag on each one on the nights when you know it's going to snow or freeze
Posted on 12/18/2015

Safety Tips for Holiday Drivers Always plan ahead and make sure your car is in good condition maintenance wise. All of our 106 St Tire & Wheel locations are set up to do 47 point safety inspections for free. We'll check: your lights, oil, tires (condition like tread wear and air pressure level), belts and hoses, brake fluid, brakes themselves, antifreeze fluid and the condition of your battery. Anything going wrong could ruin your holiday plans and all of the above should all be checked by a professional before you leave. Planning your route in advance will save time. GPS is good! Even with a GPS system, it's a good idea to bring along another option should something occur and using GPS is not possible. An actual current paper road map is great back up. Remember, road access can come and roads can go especially in the country because of severe weather in areas you don't drive every day and are not familiar with. Before you leave, check traffic reports and current weather condition ... read more