Advice from the 106 St pros... We bet you thought the word is caliber, right? As in .45mm? Hey, we're from the 'hood, too, so we understand. However, the word is caliper and each brake has one but does your ride have 2 or 4. That depends on type of braking system you have. Check your owners manual if you don't know. Don't have it, download it by Googling year, make and model for your car bible. Brake calipers are one of several important parts composing your braking system, and, for God's sake, this is NYC. Queens epitomizes the "severe" driving conditions we speak of often here in this blog...crowded roads, stop and go traffic, sudden stops, NYers in a rush to dart out into traffic to test your brakes and sue your you know what, etc. Pass this test, friends, don't leave home without a good braking system. The combinations of brake pads and brake calipers perform a huge safety task. They change your vehicle's motion to a stop...a fast stop, a screechin ... read more