Posted on 1/22/2016
Take a look at this test sponsored by Bridgestone and author Jason Torchinsky In this great demo video you can see the difference on an ice skating rink with specially designed trike tires. Remember, as we stated, winter tires are composed of different materials than all seaon tires, they have special treads and patterns meant to push snow away from your tires making them better handling, safer tires in the snow and ice. 106 St Tire is the best place in Queens to get your winter tires as we stock 10,000 new and used tires. All of our locations will be open regular hours. We're here for you 24/7 at 2 locations 106-01 Northern Blvd and 105-08 Northern Blvd 718-446-6769.106 St did a side by side comparison of all-weather tires vs winter tires last week. Please see our post on January 15th.Please take this storm very seriously? Don't be a statistic! Come follow us on Facebook at
Posted on 1/12/2016

Noises from your ride; not a good thing! If those noises are not the gentle purr of efficiency and the quiet zoom of a well performing engine they are usually warning signs. When you hear them, that's the time to drive over to 106 St Tire and Wheel (depending on the sound, see below, a tow truck may be needed) and let a pro hear what you hear. Our advice: It's too risky to wait, of course, depending on the noise and the cause which you probably won't know until someone with diagnostic skill here's the sound. While some auto repair shops might make a differentiation between sounds you could ignore and ones you need to investigate, our shops recommend that all noises and odors be checked out by our skilled technicians. First, all of our locations offer a FREE 47 point safety check. That's the place to start by looking at belts, hoses, etc. We look to remedy the simple things and we don't charge our customers for this. The above inspection also includes a fluid check. Experienced technic ... read more
Posted on 12/16/2015

Keeping a beautiful car surface Ever watch a woman care for her face? Lotions, creams, massage, reducing eye puffiness...your car's surface, to stay at its best, needs care like that. Fortunately, we live in the information age and we can access all kinds of information or just read 106 St Tire & Wheel's blog as we gather information to share with our customers. Over the next several days, we are going to share 10 secrets to better car detailing from pros who do it for a living. First, know this. Auto paint surfaces, like everything else in the world, have evolved and improved making things easier. So toss out all that old junk like chamois and go 21st century, for example, with modern products like microfiber cloths. Let us caution you everything else, one must do their homework, know your limitations and follow the expert's advice. When in doubt, do nothing! Seek the advice of an expert in auto detailing. Mess up your paint job? Don't look at us ... read more
Posted on 12/10/2015

What you need to know about lease returns! Yesterday, our blog contained some insightful information from Men's Health about leasing a car. In a word, the magazine said: DON'T.Today, we are talking about what if you do and the lease is up. What's good lease return advice? Well, 106 St Tire & Wheel can help you not get stung by a dealer. And don't tell us you have a great rapport with the dealer....truth is, the dealer does NOT check in your car, an independent agent does. So don't kid yourself. If the car's condition is less than what that person wants, you will foot the bill. And, by the way, who is that person? No one you know, let us assure you. You know this, right? You do not own your LEASED CAR. You are LEASING it; the dealer is going to sell your car when you return it. Any damage done, even those little nicks, dents and dings are going to cost you. What's more, even if you have a great relationship with your dealer, more than likely, an independent, hard b ... read more
Posted on 12/7/2015!?!!?! Music with a heavy beat may get your blood pumping however it can lead to increased speed and, therefore, accidents—particularly if you crank up the volume and take off like a bat out of hell. With that in mind, also, know this: up tempo music slows down your reaction time. Also cranked up music hides critical road noise that can be dangerous; nose is an important part of driving. Engine noise? Road noise? Don't you want to hear the cop coming up on you, the ambulances passing you, the fire engines speeding to go to a maybe it's at your house? Your sense of hearing and listening is a key factor in safe driving not to mention hearing engine noise that could spell trouble! Wanna to laugh? An auto safety group says the following song is the most dangerous song to listen while driving as it promotes aggressive driving: ... read more