Posted on 11/13/2017

Winter is almost here and with it comes cold, wet, and snow that can make driving a challenge. Here at 106 St Tire & Wheel, we want to make sure your vehicle is ready for any challenge winter may throw at it. Auto Maintenance Check List Believe it or not, there are several routine maintenances that you should have done to your vehicle before winter hits full force. Check Fluids- wiper fluid, coolant, and engine oil should all be serviced. Proper lubrication is just as important in cold weather as any other time of year. Wiper Blades- Install new wiper blades if needed to increase your visibility in wet driving conditions. Check Battery- Due to lower temperatures, older batteries can actually go out during the first cold days of the season. Have your battery checked or replaced to ensure you don't end up on the side of the road. Check Tire Pressure- proper inflation will ensure you have good traction on the road and also help with low-pressure signals the ... read more
Posted on 8/1/2017

106 St. Tire & Wheel is hiring in the Qeens, NY and Corona, NY area! We are looking for an Alignment Technician with the following qualifications: Must have prior experience as an alignment tech. Knowledge of John Bean alignment machines preferred but not required. Willing to train. Front end repair work experience is a must. If you think you're the right fit for the job, click here to apply now! We are conveniently located at the 106-01 Northern BLvd Corona, NY 11368. Give us a call at 718-446-6769 or apply online today
Posted on 6/20/2017

Wheel RepairWhy You Should Choose 106St for Wheel Repair (Part 2)What sets 106St Tire & Wheel apart? Car repair shops offer a number of beneficial services that can enhance the performance of your vehicle and ensure that you have a machine that performs effectively for a long period of time. · Maintenance of the efficiency and performance of the car through regular checkups and up-keeping of the engine and other important parts of the vehicle. · Proper servicing of the engine to maintain a great fuel efficiency of the vehicle. · Diagnosis of the engine and the vehicle to find out the cause of any performance deterioration. · Repair of any damaged parts to restore peak performance of the vehicle. · Enhancing safety standards of the vehicle to ensure least damage to you or the car in case of accidents. There are a large number of other services that are offered by 106St Tire & ... read more
Posted on 6/19/2017

Wheel RepairWhy You Should Choose 106St for Wheel Repair Car repair services are an important aspect for the proper maintenance of your precious vehicle, and must not be taken lightly. After all, you have spent thousands of dollars behind that machine, and if you fail to maintain it properly, you will not be able to use it for long. That's why it's important to ensure proper checkups on a regular basis to maintain the car in proper functioning capability. It is important to avoid car repairs without proper expertise Repairing cars at your own garage may seem very cool, and you've probably seen them do it in Hollywood movies. But what you need to understand is that if you do not have the necessary skills and expertise to deal with car repairs, you may end up making the situation far worse than it already is. Repairing a bent rim or a scratched rim may seem very easy, but in reality, it is far more difficult than it l ... read more
Posted on 6/16/2017

Tire InstallationHow to Properly Inflate Your Tires to Stay Safe on the Road (Part 3) NOTE: This is the second part of our series on tire inflation. Please click here for Part 1, and click here for part 2. Always make sure your tires are inflated properly. Here's how: 1. Go over at a gas station that has a compressor with an indicator.2. Position your car so you can reach to all four wheels.3. Check the pressure specifications of the wheels. Search for a label that can be found on the door, the glove compartment or trunk.4. Remove the plastic lid from the valve and put it somewhere safe so you don't lose it.5. Verify the pressure with your gauge or with the one at the gas station. Click on the valve device and clasp it tightly. If you notice a whistling sound, it ... read more