Posted on 1/14/2016

Lighter, hotter rims with better performance....Alloy wheels are made of aluminum or magnesium metals and, of course, they are lighter in weight and provide a hot, super stylish look. Because the above metals are lighter than steel, they reduce your vehicle's weight, improves speed and performance when old fashioned steel wheels adds hundreds of pounds to your vehicle's weight making your engine tow more weight and slowing down speed and reducing gas mileage. Alloy wheels are also better heat conductors and reduce the chances of brake failures under most driving conditions. We've been consistent in telling drivers that NYC's road conditions makes our area an area with "severe" conditions so please bear that in mind knowing that on Queens streets your alloy wheels are vulnerable. The lighter weight of the alloy rim is more suitable for manufacturers to produce a broad range of intricate wheel designs and these more detailed looks complements the premium or sporty look of your car. By u ... read more
Posted on 1/12/2016

Noises from your ride; not a good thing! If those noises are not the gentle purr of efficiency and the quiet zoom of a well performing engine they are usually warning signs. When you hear them, that's the time to drive over to 106 St Tire and Wheel (depending on the sound, see below, a tow truck may be needed) and let a pro hear what you hear. Our advice: It's too risky to wait, of course, depending on the noise and the cause which you probably won't know until someone with diagnostic skill here's the sound. While some auto repair shops might make a differentiation between sounds you could ignore and ones you need to investigate, our shops recommend that all noises and odors be checked out by our skilled technicians. First, all of our locations offer a FREE 47 point safety check. That's the place to start by looking at belts, hoses, etc. We look to remedy the simple things and we don't charge our customers for this. The above inspection also includes a fluid check. Experienced technic ... read more
Posted on 1/12/2016

Bridgestone manufactures “think green” tires and they are an important contribution to combating climate change. 106 St Tire has been selling Ecopia tires for many years. Bridgestone Ecopia tires combine eco-friendly ride with low rolling resistance tire technology that delivers an increased miles per gallon result. This may not seem important since gas prices are no longer spiraling however earth's fragile eco-system make greenhouse gases and pollution very important issues today and in the future and for years to come. By lowering your tire's rolling resistance you increase fuel efficiency while providing a quieter ride for yourself and your passengers. Here's the really great news about Ecopia tires available at all of our Queens locations: Ecopia tires have a long wear life Ecopia have all season performance Ecopia tires handle road conditions well and offer a very comfortable ride Ecopia deliver a long tire life If you'd like more information about Ecopia tires, ple ... read more
Posted on 1/7/2016 long your tires last can be up to you and this article will tell you how and why. It's fair to expect 50,000 miles from new tires or the tires that come with any new vehicle. However, like anything tire life depends on so many factors. If you leave a light bulb on day and night its going to last a shorter time then if you just turn it off after few hours, right? In NYC we drive under "severe" conditions. Stop and go in heavy traffic is tough on a car's brakes. Pot holes and other less than perfect road conditions impact tire life and so does "maintenance apathy" meaning if you don't maintain proper tire inflation, get wheel alignments, rotate tires, guess what, you may not get that 50,000 miles which is a broad guideline and not an absolute for sure. One of the large tire companies recently won a big case against an owner who claimed the tires she purchased were defective. Turns out the tire company could scientifically demonstrate through wear patterns that she had been drivi ... read more
Posted on 1/5/2016

FAQ about 106 St Tire & Wheel's used tires Where do used tires come from? Take a look around after the environmental carnage of the flooding like we are seeing in Missouri. That folks is the good news for used tire buyers and the bad news for the whole country. There are millions of dollars in ruined cars, trucks, vans and more all ruined because of damage from fallen trees, tornados and flooding. There will be more, too, with the upcoming rain expected in California due to el nino shortly. Tires are impervious to water however when flood water gets inside a car, the inside is ruined. Flood water carries with it not only waste water but also street water containing spillage from leaking transmissions, oil leaks, antifreeze, etc. Interiors are ruined and drying them does not solve the situation as they are stained with waste materials like oil, grease, etc and maybe worse if you know what we mean. Most times, a vehicle recovered from a flood will have the engine r ... read more