Posted on 12/22/2015

Safety Tips You Don't Know 1) Men's Health states that ramp know...those annoying red lights that stop you from entering a highway...will save you time. The use of traffic signals at highway on-ramps regulates traffic flow forcing a small time penalty on drivers at the beginning of their commutes. However, it pays off states the magazine. They quote David Schrank, Ph.D., of the Texas Transportation Institute: "Requiring vehicles to wait 20 or 30 seconds can save drivers 5 to 10 minutes on their trip." 2) Always be prepared for a water landing; most cars have electronic windows. Water and electricity don't mix well and your windows will short out when they come in contact with water. Result? You're trapped. Men's Health says, "Spend a few bucks on a center punch, a device shaped like a screwdriver but with a sharp center point. It makes breaking a window a cinch. Store it in your center console or glove box—not your trunk." 3) Just like airplanes seats, roads have ... read more
Posted on 12/18/2015

Safety Tips for Holiday Drivers Always plan ahead and make sure your car is in good condition maintenance wise. All of our 106 St Tire & Wheel locations are set up to do 47 point safety inspections for free. We'll check: your lights, oil, tires (condition like tread wear and air pressure level), belts and hoses, brake fluid, brakes themselves, antifreeze fluid and the condition of your battery. Anything going wrong could ruin your holiday plans and all of the above should all be checked by a professional before you leave. Planning your route in advance will save time. GPS is good! Even with a GPS system, it's a good idea to bring along another option should something occur and using GPS is not possible. An actual current paper road map is great back up. Remember, road access can come and roads can go especially in the country because of severe weather in areas you don't drive every day and are not familiar with. Before you leave, check traffic reports and current weather condition ... read more
Posted on 12/6/2015

Yep, we said fertility! More about that on the bottom of this article! Holidaytime...its Christmas time in the city, feel the chaos? See the traffic jams? Parking pandemonium?Here's a few hints to make the season a bit safer in more ways than one. It goes without saying: DO NOT DRINK, DRUG AND DRIVE! Right? So we're having a little fun here today but safety is no laughing matter. 106 St Tire & Wheels is pointing out some important information here that may not be in your memory bank......yet. Here's a few other things you might need to know: Eliminate Distractions Truthfully, our eyes tend to follow where our hands go. FACT: Adjusting your radio dial takes 5.5 seconds. Guess what! That's 5.5 seconds that you are NOT watching the road! If you dial your phone while driving, that single act triples your risk of a car crash. Reach for a moving object and that increases the possibility of a crash by 9 TIMES! Texting while driving? Well, first, it's aga ... read more
Posted on 11/20/2015

Safety Tips for Holiday Travelers Thanksgiving is rapidly approaching! Then Christmas! Will you be doing "over the river and through the woods to Grandma's house" in your car? Well, folks, make sure that "sleigh" is safe, weather ready and you and your family are comfortable. Your friends at 106 St Tire & Wheel are deeply invested in anything auto...we place a high value on educating our customers so read on to learn more about road conditions, traffic, saving money, staying safe and awake! It goes without saying to before leaving, please, take your car to one of our locations for a free 47 point safety check that includes the major automotive systems, your tires, your brakes, your fluids, your lights, etc. DO IT BEFORE YOU LEAVE FOR EVERYONE'S SAFETY INCLUDING OTHER DRIVERS! You can be no safer on any road then the condition of your vehicle lets you be and there is something you can do by making safety your priority before the trip. 1. Start off ... read more
Posted on 11/16/2015
FAQ: What Do Our FREE Safety Inspection's Include? hoses: radiator, power steering, heater hoses and a/c hoses head lights tail lights turn signals parking lights battery shocks and struts transfer case differential CV joint boots steering components U-joints front and rear suspension exhaust system all 4 tires for pressure, wear and tread depth engine oil anti-freeze front and rear brakes power steering transmission windshield wipers and windshield wiper fluid belts both serpentine and power steering air filterCome on over one of our 106 St Tire & Wheel locations 24 hours at 106-01 Northern Blvd,24 hours at 105-08 Northern Blvd, 7 days at 118-02 Merrick Blvd, Jamaica, 7 days at:79-02 Queens Blvd, Elmhurst, 45-13 108 St in Corona - Forest HillsCall us anytime 24/7 including holidays at 71