Posted on 3/24/2016

5 Quick Tips about Oil Changes Our expert technicians at 106St. Tire and Wheel are thrilled to assist customers improve vehicle functionality and safety for the summer months ahead. All locations of 106St Tire and Wheel offer oil changes for most cars starting at $25 for the first 5 qts. and a free tire rotation. Our Northern Blvd location is open 24/7, so schedule your appointment now. Call us 718-446-6769 / just drive on in / or click: http://106sttire.com Why are oil changes so important? 1.Engine Performance:Changing oil regularly helps maintain vital engine performance and engine operation. Allowing improved functionality and smoother driving, changing oil every 3,000 will keep internal engine parts clean and lubricated.... a r ... read more
Posted on 3/10/2016

Simple maintenance check list: FAQ about maintenance made Real Simple: No maintenance=expensive problems1. Check your tire pressure...simpler, have 106 St Tire do it FREE. More than 90 percent of cars on the road are driven every day with improperly inflated tires with most being under-inflated. Results? can compromise cornering can compromise braking can compromise stability and safety more likely to have a tire-related accident because of the above like tire failure (thousands happen every year and cause deaths which are avoidable!) MPG? HA! Shot to hell Tire life? Lower your expectations away from what manufacture says under-inflated tires overheat & could lead to catastrophic failure 2. Check the oil -a no-brainer; check it every time you fill up! Simpler, 106 St Tire will do it FREE! Where has all your oil gone? burning oil leaking oil. Frequently repla ... read more
Posted on 1/19/2016

Always Critical to Extending Engine Life..... 1. Engine Performance: 106 ST Tire & Wheel could never stress the importance of this aspect of vehicle maintenance. Changing oil regularly helps maintain vital engine performances and engine operations. Allowing improved functionality and smoother driving, changing oil every 3,000 nukes will keep internal engine parts clean and lubricated. 2. Remove Build-Up: Used oil eventually builds up certain amounts of dirt and debris and becomes engine gunk, without regular oil changes this can damage engine components and decrease performance a lot. 3. Fuel Economy: No matter what the price of gasoline is, MPG is always important. We want your money in your pocket! But, regular oil changes provide new oil to reduce friction and improve fuel economy for any vehicle. These improvements make engines parts glide seamlessly to lessen resources used to operate. While we are on the subject of this aspe ... read more
Posted on 12/1/2015

Changing brake fluid seems important but yet it's somewhat controversial. Some car makers think it's important and include it in their maintenance schedules and others don't. We think it's important too! Here's some major brands that are on record about changing brake fluid: Mercedes-Benz recommends that brake fluid should be replaced every two years or 20,000 miles and we can't and won't argue with them after all, Mercedes Benz? Would you argue? Chevrolets is on record saying that most of their models can go 150,000 miles or 10 years Subaru recommends fresh brake fluid every 30,000 miles. As for Volkswagen? They state brake fluid should be changed on many of its models every two years while totally ignoring what your mileage is. Ford, Chrysler and Toyota vehicles don't even list brake fluid as a regular maintenance item. As always, 106 St Tire & Wheel advises you to check your owner's manual, your personal Bible on your car and what it needs and when. Always go there to read w ... read more
Posted on 11/22/2015

FAQ series from 106 St Tire & Wheel:8 Tips to Extend the Life of your Car1) Check and change your oil regularly. There's some controversy on how often. 106 St Tire & Wheel advises you to check your owner's manual.That's the best place to get accurate information specific to YOUR CAR. If your owner's manual is not around, Google it and you will probably find itonline in a downloadable format. Example for searching for it online? Google example: Owner's Manual 2009 Toyota Camry. That kind of search is bound to turn it up. And remember, there's no single step in auto maintenance that will help your engine last more than regular oil and oil filter changes will. Neglecting your oil level checks or oil changes will shorten the life of your vehicle. 2) Flushing your cooling system and changing coolant once a year is the best way to keep your system properly functioning. Proper mixture of coolant ... read more