Posted on 10/13/2016

Electrical SystemsElectrical System Maintenance A car relies on its electrical system to ensure smooth running and operation. Unfortunately, many car owners do not pay attention to the electrical system because it does not need to be inspected as often as the car's moving parts. Knowing what comprises a car's electrical system is very important in making sure it runs smoothly. Some common problems that are caused by the electrical system include: 1. Little or no power in the battery This is one of the very common problems that occur in a vehicle. Sometimes the battery is totally out of power, which makes it hard to start the car, and sometimes battery seems to have power that is less than the threshold needed to get the engine running. This is a very frustrating experience, especially if you are in a hurry. 2. Alternator not functioning The alternator is one of the most important compo ... read more
Posted on 9/13/2016

Pros and cons of using Nitrogen to inflate your tires (Part 3) This is part 3 of our series on using Nitrogen to inflate your tires. · Click here for part one. · Click here for part two. Drawbacks you can expect when using nitrogen inflation. 1. Regardless of its ability to stay put within the tire, nitrogen is still a gas and eventually you will need to restore the pressure of your tires by topping them off. When this happens, nitrogen can only be topped off by nitrogen. The alternative, which is filling it up using compressed air, is a slow and tedious affair that involves deflating the tire completely before re-inflating it using compressed air. 2. To fill your tires with nitrogen, you will need to dig deeper into your pockets. It might save you money at the pump due to the ... read more
Posted on 9/8/2016

Pros and cons of using Nitrogen to inflate your tires (Part 2) Please click here for part one of our series on nitrogen fill for your tires. Benefits of Nitrogen tire inflation1. Provides more consistent inflation. As much as compressed air is still widely used, it is important to note that one of the most detrimental properties of oxygen is the permeability of its molecules. The rate at which oxygen seeps out of the tires causes them to lose up to 3PSI per month. Nitrogen has significantly larger molecules than oxygen, being as much as four times larger than oxygen molecules. This property makes nitrogen-filled tires unable to lose pressure through permeation no matter how long it takes. Therefore, it enables your tires to maintain optimum pressure for longer periods of time without the need to top them up constantly. Keeping the tire pressure constant ... read more
Posted on 8/29/2016
Important brake repair and maintenance tips (Part 3)NOTE: This is part 3 of 106St Tire & Wheel's series on brake repair. Click here for part 1. Click here for part 2. Whether your car has quite a few miles on it, or you only recently drove off the lot, you still need to start and stop; accidents can happen to anyone, so you must always make sure your brakes are in good condition. They wear out, and how fast they do is based on a variety of factors, such as the quality of the brake pad, what they are made of, the vehicle specifications, how you drive, and driving conditions – we mentioned in the previous article how New York's driving conditions are categorized as severe. Again, we would like to point out how we at 106St Tire & Whe ... read more
Posted on 8/22/2016

Brake RepairImportant brake repair and maintenance tips (Part 1) Every vehicle model has different brake specifications, which is why every different model requires a different brake pad. This means different shape, different texture, different coefficient of friction etc. Unfortunately, the carmakers do not specify what these specifications are for each vehicle, so a lot of what you pay for when you buy brakes is a result of the research and development; different brake manufacturers spend varying amounts on this process, which is why we at 106St Tire & Wheel are proud to offer NAPA brakes because we know that they do the best to keep you and your passengers safe on the road. It is normal for your brakes to wear out over time through regular use and they might end up needing brake service or repair. If you have them regularly serviced, they will protect you from dangerous situations like brake failure. Brake repair, along wi ... read more