Posted on 12/20/2015

Simple, fast tips to make your windshield wipers last longer! Here's how: 1: keep your windshield as clean as possible so keep your windshield wiper reservoir full. Having your blades scrape over dirt wears your blades out much faster. 2: keep your windshield wiper blades as clean as possible by using a clean towel or rag, spraying it and cleaning your blades often 3: stand your blades up to keep them from freezing to your windshield in rough weather. Pull them away from your windshield (see photo) ...gently please if you have never done this before. If they don't stand up put a plastic grocery bag on each one on the nights when you know it's going to snow or freeze
Posted on 12/18/2015

Safety Tips for Holiday Drivers Always plan ahead and make sure your car is in good condition maintenance wise. All of our 106 St Tire & Wheel locations are set up to do 47 point safety inspections for free. We'll check: your lights, oil, tires (condition like tread wear and air pressure level), belts and hoses, brake fluid, brakes themselves, antifreeze fluid and the condition of your battery. Anything going wrong could ruin your holiday plans and all of the above should all be checked by a professional before you leave. Planning your route in advance will save time. GPS is good! Even with a GPS system, it's a good idea to bring along another option should something occur and using GPS is not possible. An actual current paper road map is great back up. Remember, road access can come and roads can go especially in the country because of severe weather in areas you don't drive every day and are not familiar with. Before you leave, check traffic reports and current weather condition ... read more
Posted on 12/18/2015
Detailing Your Car Like a Pro - part 2 Okay, so you know this is not just about cleaning the outside with a bucket a hose, right? We did say like a here you go with deep cleaning areas you probably never thought of! Got a small air compressor? It's THE WAY to successfully blow dust and dirt out of the vents from your heater and air-conditioning system. Aim the high-pressure air at the walls of the ducts behind grills, vents, etc. Dirt and grime stick to the walls of the vet system and can leave you car smelling musty. Change your cabin air filter if you have the least blow the dirt and dust out of it. We hope that a clean smelling car is not one of those Christmas tree looking air fresheners that hang from your rear view mirror. Continue to use the compressor to blow leaves, wrappers, whatever from the nooks and crannies of your vehicle's floor onto the middle of the carpet. That's where it will be easier to vacuum it up. Stiff brushes also loosen dirt from the carp ... read more
Posted on 12/16/2015

Keeping a beautiful car surface Ever watch a woman care for her face? Lotions, creams, massage, reducing eye puffiness...your car's surface, to stay at its best, needs care like that. Fortunately, we live in the information age and we can access all kinds of information or just read 106 St Tire & Wheel's blog as we gather information to share with our customers. Over the next several days, we are going to share 10 secrets to better car detailing from pros who do it for a living. First, know this. Auto paint surfaces, like everything else in the world, have evolved and improved making things easier. So toss out all that old junk like chamois and go 21st century, for example, with modern products like microfiber cloths. Let us caution you everything else, one must do their homework, know your limitations and follow the expert's advice. When in doubt, do nothing! Seek the advice of an expert in auto detailing. Mess up your paint job? Don't look at us ... read more
Posted on 12/15/2015

Full-Size Spare Tires... Spare tires are a thing of the past, however, if you have room in your trunk, a full-size spare is really worth it. We are not speaking about those small "donuts" just to ride on until you are off the highway and find a service center that will give you a good price on a new one or a used one. Places like 106 St Tire & Wheel don't exist everywhere let alone ones that are open on holidays and all night like we are. We are speaking about a full-size tire on a real metal rim. Yes, they are heavy.... yes, they are a thing of the past....yes, the weight helps you reduce gasoline efficiency but... One advantage is that if you are traveling, you can slap on the real spare and you can keep going without paying higher tire dealer prices somewhere along your journey. You will save money and not sacrifice safety or time. If you do lots of driving, this is a low cost option; a used wheel and a used tire are very affordable. Donut type spares are really not safe to be ... read more