Posted on 12/8/2015

Give Your Brakes a Break! The life of your brakes is very much within your control. Use common sense and the info you get here to change ingrained habits. 106 St Tire & Wheel loves to save you money, you are our money, live long and prosper! 1-High speed driving and brake life: <= well, the last statement is contradictory in terms. Your brakes will have a short life span if you are one of those people who drives like the above. Your own life span maybe shortened as well. We could give you an extensive physics explanation about the energy brakes dissipate during high speed stops but come on now lets use common sense. If you want a long brake life watch the fast stops at high speed and avoid stop and go (that will be difficult in NYC's "severe" traffic congestion) and use common sense, do not ride your brakes! Slow down which means adhering to the new NYC speed limit which is 25 miles, and, you bet, you are on the radar with "photo enforced" scrutiny ... read more
Posted on 12/7/2015!?!!?! Music with a heavy beat may get your blood pumping however it can lead to increased speed and, therefore, accidents—particularly if you crank up the volume and take off like a bat out of hell. With that in mind, also, know this: up tempo music slows down your reaction time. Also cranked up music hides critical road noise that can be dangerous; nose is an important part of driving. Engine noise? Road noise? Don't you want to hear the cop coming up on you, the ambulances passing you, the fire engines speeding to go to a maybe it's at your house? Your sense of hearing and listening is a key factor in safe driving not to mention hearing engine noise that could spell trouble! Wanna to laugh? An auto safety group says the following song is the most dangerous song to listen while driving as it promotes aggressive driving: ... read more
Posted on 12/6/2015

Yep, we said fertility! More about that on the bottom of this article! Holidaytime...its Christmas time in the city, feel the chaos? See the traffic jams? Parking pandemonium?Here's a few hints to make the season a bit safer in more ways than one. It goes without saying: DO NOT DRINK, DRUG AND DRIVE! Right? So we're having a little fun here today but safety is no laughing matter. 106 St Tire & Wheels is pointing out some important information here that may not be in your memory bank......yet. Here's a few other things you might need to know: Eliminate Distractions Truthfully, our eyes tend to follow where our hands go. FACT: Adjusting your radio dial takes 5.5 seconds. Guess what! That's 5.5 seconds that you are NOT watching the road! If you dial your phone while driving, that single act triples your risk of a car crash. Reach for a moving object and that increases the possibility of a crash by 9 TIMES! Texting while driving? Well, first, it's aga ... read more
Posted on 12/3/2015

Tire rotations free!* (see below) Rotating your tires is important. Why? It's important that tires wear evenly. In general, we advise our customers that it is best to link similarly timed maintenance functions, especially low-cost ones, to save you time and avoid forgetting essential maintenance and safety tasks. In general, we recommend that you get your oil changed when you get your tires rotated, however, we've taken it a step further. 106 St Tire & Wheel gives our customers a free tire rotation whenever you get an oil change. At all 106 St Tire & Wheel locations, we offer oil change and free tire rotation on most cars for $25. The reason we state "most cars" is this: some SUVs, pickups and vans use more oil than smaller cars. It's that simple. When you get the oil changed, assuming you do that at least once a year and more often if you drive, say, more than 10,000 miles annually and if you remember from other blogs we wrote, your driving conditions living ... read more
Posted on 12/2/2015

Skipping Oil Changes Can Be Harmful! Guess what? This picture above is not chocolate pudding..its car eating sludge! Is there anywhere else in the US that faces the driving conditions of NYC and, specifically, Queens or Manhattan? Stop and go driving? Not really good for an engine. Sitting in 45 minutes of traffic? Not good for your get the picture. Therefore, there is no hard and fast rule about oil changes simply because NYC driving is not like driving anywhere else in the world. However, when a vehicle maker makes a recommendation about oil changes, the advice is a one size fits all type of advice rather that for your specific driving conditions which is a huge consideration. Would you get this kind of cautionary advice ever? "Hey, if you live in Nu Yalk and drive dis car, first, why would anyone want to live in dat city? UGH, move and extend your life and the damn car's life too." No one except 106 St Tire & Wheel will point out that NY has a spec ... read more