Posted on 11/10/2015

Tire tip of the day: Some drivers follow the old wives' tale advice to reduce air pressure in tires during cold weather to increase traction. The problem: While it MIGHT increase traction in some instances, it will cause undue tire wear when the weather warms.Solution: Keep tire pressure at recommended levels. Don't feel comfortable doing the above? Any location of 106 St Tire & Wheel will check your tire pressure FREE. We will check your tire tread FREE. We will fill your tires with compressed air to the recommendation of the manufacturer of your specific car FREE. ....and lots more. Just come on into any location, see above in the header, remember we are open at 2 Northern Blvd locations 24/7 and leave the rest to us. Be SAFE, not sorry. Call us 718-446-6769 24 hours, holidays included, 7 days, closed only Christmas
Posted on 11/6/2015

Everyone hates having their car repaired. It takes time, costs money, is inconvenient and often a scary process. Most people don't know if their repair bills are real or inflated because they may worry about finding themselves in a shop where making money overcomes ethics. At 106 St. Tire & Wheel, we see the same faces not only year after year but decade after decade. Why? We pride ourselves on honesty and fairness. We value our customers and treat them like family. And they keep coming back year after year which delights us and has helped us grow into NYC's Premier Tire & Wheel Dealers and offer more and more related services. Your business is deeply appreciated and it inspires us to reach beyond what most discount tire dealers, rim, brake, wheel and repair shops do to keep your business. We take an interest in y/our community. We've written an e-book chocked full of great advice about saving money on the spiraling cost of gas and the issues of our times like a greener tomorro ... read more
Posted on 11/5/2015

From the tire pros at 106 St Tire and Wheel, TWO WORDS about winter driving? “DRIVE SLOWLY” The University of California, Berkeley, School of Public Health did a study that reports there is a casual affect of driving in poor weather and an estimated and staggering 7,000 deaths a year. About 800,000 injuries also result with a shocking 1.5 million car crashes yearly across the nation with an estimated economic toll of $42 billion. Yep, that's billion with a “B”. Why? The number one reason is not being properly prepared. Ever hear the expression an ounce of preventions is worth a pound of cure? You can't control the weather but you can sure be ready for it. Bad weather causes almost 20% of highway deaths according to this report. The report indicates that the most dangerous day to drive is the day after the first winter storm of the year when despite all the warnings people are unprepared to avoid driving or don't adopt safer procedures as comple ... read more
Posted on 10/29/2015

106 St Tire & Wheel will be on the road to SEMA 2015 in Las Vegas! 106 St Tire always attends the SEMA show, which is the largest automotive industry show in the world. It displays the latest and greatest in the industry and keeps our technology, as well as the world's auto tech, up to date. In a world where technology is advancing as fast as it is, it's critical for our organization to keep our knowledge and skill up to date to better serve our customers with KNOWLEDGE. 106 St Tire is a progressive organization, understanding that knowledge is power, so off we go! We will do as we usually do and make what we see available to our customers on our Facebook page, so come and follow us for great photos fresh from Las Vegas starting this Sunday, November 1st, 2015 Meanwhile back at the "ranch" you can expect our 5 locations to be open to serve your auto needs as usual as we are fully staffed and ready to serve you as always.Please remember we have two 24 hour locatio ... read more
Posted on 10/28/2015

106 St Tire & Wheel FAQ series presentsHow Are Brake Pads Made: 1) Like most things, brake pads start in a to do it, what to include, configuration, etc., and, let's face it, Napa has great auto parts. They are known worldwide as a quality brake manufacturer. 106 St Tire wouldn't have it any other way, would we? With decades of service to the auto community in Queens, we wouldn't settle for anything less than Napa. Would you? 2) So, let's talk what's critical: a dynamometer. What the hell is it? Great question! It's is a device for measuring force, torque, or power and before brakes are brakes, a brake pad will spend hours on a "dyno." Why? To verify the performance. 3) During the process of developing brake pads, engineers will carefully examine every single component and raw material that goes into the creation of them. Ultimately, the quality of each component will determine the performance of the brake pads that will one day stop your car in NYC tra ... read more