Posted on 3/21/2016

A good auto service technician could adjust things like idle speed, fuel/air mixture, fuel metering and timing on older vehicles so you could get more pick up from your ride. Today, that's all handled by the engine control computer. Still, there are a few ways to coax your engine into better performance. Air Filter: An engine relies on air, fuel and spark to run. The “air” part of that equation is pretty easy to enhance. A dirty air filter will, of course, restrict the flow of critical fresh air into the fuel system. This compromises fuel economy and power. The filter should be changed at regular intervals; for those who are looking to enhance performance. Aftermarket air filters are available for even freer breathing ability. Engines also perform better when they can take in colder, denser air, and cold-air induction systems can offer a slight boost in power and fuel economy. It's an easy auto repair item that can offer a noticeable, immediate improvemen ... read more
Posted on 3/10/2016

Simple maintenance check list: FAQ about maintenance made Real Simple: No maintenance=expensive problems1. Check your tire pressure...simpler, have 106 St Tire do it FREE. More than 90 percent of cars on the road are driven every day with improperly inflated tires with most being under-inflated. Results? can compromise cornering can compromise braking can compromise stability and safety more likely to have a tire-related accident because of the above like tire failure (thousands happen every year and cause deaths which are avoidable!) MPG? HA! Shot to hell Tire life? Lower your expectations away from what manufacture says under-inflated tires overheat & could lead to catastrophic failure 2. Check the oil -a no-brainer; check it every time you fill up! Simpler, 106 St Tire will do it FREE! Where has all your oil gone? burning oil leaking oil. Frequently repla ... read more
Posted on 2/25/2016

Is an grimey, yucky, greasy messy engine a red flag? NO! Is a clean one a good sign? NO! Ever open a hood and see a sparkling clean engine? Are you envious? Does it always mean the car you're looking at is in good condition? Hell, no. Even if it looks like Aunt Tillie has just waxed and polished it, is it an absolute good deal? Nope. Sure, it looks great and your thinking, "man, this baby is clean and kewl looking." Not so fast. Car dealers and buyers might be using a little psychology on you. A squeaky clean engine compartment makes any car, especially, a used car look newer and better maintained than it might be. All that glitters is not gold, remember. Ask the seller for his maintenance records to make sure what you see is what you get. Don't ever judge the cleanliness of the engine compartment as a statement about how good the car is. There are businesses who specifically do engine services such as cleaning and preparing cars for sale....of course, looks always matter but go into b ... read more
Posted on 2/3/2016

Under your hood there's a long belt that kinda snakes around your engine. This is a critical part of your engine drive as it powers your very important alternator that keeps your battery fully charged. The serpentine belt also powers your air-conditioning compressor as well as your power steering pump. Its duties varies from manufacturer-to-manufacturer and on some vehicles it can possibly run the power brakes, your radiator fan and the water pump. Important stuff, right? You can see from the above that this part is critical in keeping your auto on the road because if your serpentine belt breaks and all the belts in your vehicle can wear out depending on temperature under the hood, mileage on your car or just ordinary wear. The first thing that can happen should this important belt break? Since it would no longer be driving your alternator, your battery would die within a few miles. If your particular make of car has the serpentine belt running your fan or your water pump there would ... read more
Posted on 1/28/2016

Are you driving merrily along until some maintenance issue is thrust upon you at the most inconvenient moment? For example, you're in bumper to bumper traffic and you step on your brakes and they aren't there? That's one heck of a place for that to happen. We hope you are a member of AAA because it will be unsafe to continue to drive and you will need to be towed. Really, most of these kinds of mechanical failures can be avoided and 106 St Tire & Wheel is here to help you do you that with lots of FREE services to avoid the inconvenience and dangers of the situation above. We offer free brake inspections. For you do-it-yourselfers, here's some great brake advice on determining if your brakes need replacing or service: OBSERVATION!Look at your brake pads... And while we are at it, we will inspect your tires FREE and check your tire pressure FREE. LISTEN! Are you hearing that tell tale high pitched screeching sound? You are receiving that audible sou ... read more