Posted on 11/2/2015

Even if you're not a great mechanic, there's a sense of accomplishment that goes along with crawling out from under your car, scrubbing your hands with Go-Jo and knowing that you just successfully did a job like changing your own oil. At the same time, though, there can be a down side to DIY oil changes... You can cross-thread the drain plug, necessitating a tap-and-die job to cut new threads. On an aluminum oil pan, you may end up having to replace the entire pan. You can leave off the copper crush washer when reinstalling the drain plug, resulting in a slow leak The oil filter should be barely tighter than hand-tight...overtightening it can deform the rubber gasket, causing a leak. Not tightening it enough can cause it to loosen up completely and dump all the oil out of the crankcase! It's easy to overlook undercarriage problems such as worn or damaged suspension parts, rust, damaged or rusty exhaust hangers or other parts At the end of the job, you're left with five quarts ... read more
Posted on 10/29/2015

106 St Tire & Wheel will be on the road to SEMA 2015 in Las Vegas! 106 St Tire always attends the SEMA show, which is the largest automotive industry show in the world. It displays the latest and greatest in the industry and keeps our technology, as well as the world's auto tech, up to date. In a world where technology is advancing as fast as it is, it's critical for our organization to keep our knowledge and skill up to date to better serve our customers with KNOWLEDGE. 106 St Tire is a progressive organization, understanding that knowledge is power, so off we go! We will do as we usually do and make what we see available to our customers on our Facebook page, so come and follow us for great photos fresh from Las Vegas starting this Sunday, November 1st, 2015 Meanwhile back at the "ranch" you can expect our 5 locations to be open to serve your auto needs as usual as we are fully staffed and ready to serve you as always.Please remember we have two 24 hour locatio ... read more
Posted on 10/14/2015

Autumn...Time to Change your Driving Style for Safety Sake Autumn is a dangerous time to drive because schools open, leaves fall.... 1) Kids have gone back to school 2) Halloween puts more kids on the streets after dark 3) Daylight savings time is approaching, it will be darker earlier 4) Fallen leaves make roads slippery 5) Leave hide debris, pot holes, kids Result? The number one killer of kids ages 4-18 is traffic accidents that happen in autumn reports the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration. That amounts to 29% of all pedestrian related fatalities.NEARLY 800 KIDS ARE KILLED EVERY YEAR DURING SCHOOL TRAVEL TIMES. Our children's safety must be a high priority for every's a driver's responsibility to up keep our vehiclesperformance. Yearly safety inspections in NYS are about lessening dangers to other motorists and pedestrians.By the way, 106 St Tire & Wheel does NYS safety inspections at our ... read more
Posted on 9/18/2015

Our state of the art wheel alignment center is now located on Northern Blvd at 105-08 Northern Blvd.This picture gives the one picture worth a thoudand words view of where our new alignment center is...not even a half a block away from previous location...and you were worried? :o) This new facility is our second Northern Blvd location joining our iconic tire and wheel repair locationon the corner of 106 St and Northern Blvd at 106-01 Northern where we have served the communityfor decades. As you can see the new wheel alignment center is just feet away from the old one andits brand new. Our famous HOME OF THE $45 wheel alignment (most cars) is still out community outreach front runner.All of our locations offer this deal. Call us 24/7 for info or just go over to Northern Blvd, both buildings are open 24/7 to serve our customers718-446-6769 and this included holidays and weekends as always. We're closed one day a year...Christmas otherwise, 106 St Tire and Wheel is alw ... read more
Posted on 9/16/2015

At 106 St. Tire & Wheel, we get a lot of questions about wheel we thought it would be a good idea to set the record straight and clear up any misconceptions. Your car leaves the factory with the wheels set at specific angles for proper drivability, stability, and handling. The crucial alignment angles for the front wheels are toe-in/toe-out, referring to the direction in which a wheel points (relative to a dead-ahead straight line); caster, which refers to the position of the top of the wheel, and camber, which is the offset of the suspension relative to an imaginary vertical straight line behind the wheel. Many newer vehicles also are designed with adjustable rear suspensions, and a four-wheel alignment ensures that the rear wheels' “thrust angle” is at a proper relationship with the front wheels. There are only two major signs that can indicate improper wheel alignment. One is a persistent pull to the right or ... read more