Posted on 2/25/2016

Is an grimey, yucky, greasy messy engine a red flag? NO! Is a clean one a good sign? NO! Ever open a hood and see a sparkling clean engine? Are you envious? Does it always mean the car you're looking at is in good condition? Hell, no. Even if it looks like Aunt Tillie has just waxed and polished it, is it an absolute good deal? Nope. Sure, it looks great and your thinking, "man, this baby is clean and kewl looking." Not so fast. Car dealers and buyers might be using a little psychology on you. A squeaky clean engine compartment makes any car, especially, a used car look newer and better maintained than it might be. All that glitters is not gold, remember. Ask the seller for his maintenance records to make sure what you see is what you get. Don't ever judge the cleanliness of the engine compartment as a statement about how good the car is. There are businesses who specifically do engine services such as cleaning and preparing cars for sale....of course, looks always matter but go into b ... read more
Posted on 2/9/2016

By definition, your spare tire is exactly that, a spare in case of an emergency. Meanwhile while we wait for an emergency, we forget to check on our spare tire simply because it's not needed........yet. And when it's needed, it might not be ready to do its job because many of us don't do what we have to do to keep our cars, tires, brakes, etc in good a word: maintenance. The problem with that kind of thinking is that it's not preventative as is, unfortunately, a lot of maintenance issues. The whole concept of preventative car care is to avoid accidents, get the best performance, stay prepared for situations that come up unexpected, avoid costly repairs and situations and extend the life of our car and its tires. Think about it. Isn't it a pain when your car doesn't start on a cold morning? But, when have you had your car battery checked last? Batteries have a life expectancy. How old is yours? Same with your spare tire....It's there, you know it and we all ignore it an ... read more
Posted on 1/20/2016

In January, 2011, 106 St Tire & Wheel became the only tire dealers in Queens, NY to have a free, informative, cutting edge, e-book downloadable from their website to offer empowering information for customers and community and assist them with money saving tips.. Please see our home page (middle of the page for a free copy). At that time, gas cost more per gallon then it does now, of course, however, since climate change has been recently acknowledged by the world, thinking about greenhouse gases is important. The more gas you burn...the more you support pollution. The more pollution, the more kids and seniors suffer the ill effects of breathing in greenhouse gases, More gasoline, poorer running engines, more idling, inproperly inflated tires, more pollution. The larger the impact on earth especially because most of us are in a population dense area. 106 St Tire & Wheel is advising customers to be aware of cutting corners on the costs of driving their car with ... read more
Posted on 1/19/2016

Always Critical to Extending Engine Life..... 1. Engine Performance: 106 ST Tire & Wheel could never stress the importance of this aspect of vehicle maintenance. Changing oil regularly helps maintain vital engine performances and engine operations. Allowing improved functionality and smoother driving, changing oil every 3,000 nukes will keep internal engine parts clean and lubricated. 2. Remove Build-Up: Used oil eventually builds up certain amounts of dirt and debris and becomes engine gunk, without regular oil changes this can damage engine components and decrease performance a lot. 3. Fuel Economy: No matter what the price of gasoline is, MPG is always important. We want your money in your pocket! But, regular oil changes provide new oil to reduce friction and improve fuel economy for any vehicle. These improvements make engines parts glide seamlessly to lessen resources used to operate. While we are on the subject of this aspe ... read more
Posted on 1/12/2016

Bridgestone manufactures “think green” tires and they are an important contribution to combating climate change. 106 St Tire has been selling Ecopia tires for many years. Bridgestone Ecopia tires combine eco-friendly ride with low rolling resistance tire technology that delivers an increased miles per gallon result. This may not seem important since gas prices are no longer spiraling however earth's fragile eco-system make greenhouse gases and pollution very important issues today and in the future and for years to come. By lowering your tire's rolling resistance you increase fuel efficiency while providing a quieter ride for yourself and your passengers. Here's the really great news about Ecopia tires available at all of our Queens locations: Ecopia tires have a long wear life Ecopia have all season performance Ecopia tires handle road conditions well and offer a very comfortable ride Ecopia deliver a long tire life If you'd like more information about Ecopia tires, ple ... read more