You may not think about your brakes often however there's a stiff penalty for that: BRAKE FAILURE!...and NYers, you more than any other city, need to remember you have special conditions that wear out brakesmush sooner than any city in Idaho, Nebraska, Albany, Tuscany...think "severe driving conditions." While other systems in your vehicle can be forgiving in that they will continue to work and it won't keep your car from starting, the really scary thing to keep in mind is once your brakes go, you may not be able to stop which will certainly hurt someone, something or perhaps kill pedestrians, kids, yourself or your own family, etc. There's no point in saying "brakes last 1-2 years" or the wear out in 10,000 miles. That's not the way it is, at least, not here in the Big Apple, NY, USA. Here are some factors that make that kind of advice dumb and dangerous for we NYers: 1) do you ride your brakes rather than adjust your speed for road and traffic conditions? 2) you live in NYC and, as ... read more