Posted on 9/8/2016

Pros and cons of using Nitrogen to inflate your tires (Part 2) Please click here for part one of our series on nitrogen fill for your tires. Benefits of Nitrogen tire inflation1. Provides more consistent inflation. As much as compressed air is still widely used, it is important to note that one of the most detrimental properties of oxygen is the permeability of its molecules. The rate at which oxygen seeps out of the tires causes them to lose up to 3PSI per month. Nitrogen has significantly larger molecules than oxygen, being as much as four times larger than oxygen molecules. This property makes nitrogen-filled tires unable to lose pressure through permeation no matter how long it takes. Therefore, it enables your tires to maintain optimum pressure for longer periods of time without the need to top them up constantly. Keeping the tire pressure constant ... read more
Posted on 8/22/2016

Brake RepairImportant brake repair and maintenance tips (Part 1) Every vehicle model has different brake specifications, which is why every different model requires a different brake pad. This means different shape, different texture, different coefficient of friction etc. Unfortunately, the carmakers do not specify what these specifications are for each vehicle, so a lot of what you pay for when you buy brakes is a result of the research and development; different brake manufacturers spend varying amounts on this process, which is why we at 106St Tire & Wheel are proud to offer NAPA brakes because we know that they do the best to keep you and your passengers safe on the road. It is normal for your brakes to wear out over time through regular use and they might end up needing brake service or repair. If you have them regularly serviced, they will protect you from dangerous situations like brake failure. Brake repair, along wi ... read more
Posted on 4/20/2016

FAQ about 106 St Tire & Wheel's used tires...a price friendly way to a safer ride! Where do used tires come from? Take a look around after the carnage of the flooding, mud slides, tornados? Millions of dollars in ruined vehicles are scattered about like MatchBox, trucks, vans and more all ruined because of damage from fallen trees, mud and flooding. When flood water gets inside your car, inside your engine and your interior everything is ruined. Flood water carries with it not only waste water but also street water containing spillage from leaking transmissions, oil leaks, antifreeze, over-flooding sewers, etc. Interiors are ruined and drying them does not solve the situation as they are stained with waste materials like oil, grease, etc and maybe worse. Most times, a vehicle recovered from a flood will have the engine ruined by dirt, sand, debris getting into the engine and exhaust. Between body and fender damage, interior damage and engine damage, mo ... read more
Posted on 4/6/2016

Clean, Rub and Buff with a Good Quality Product (part 2)Conditioning leather: choose a water-based, pH neutral conditioner. Don't skimp here! Purchase ahigh-quality leather conditioner that does not contain silicone, petroleum distillates or waxes. The purpose of using a leather conditioner is to replenish the natural oils; choose one with top-quality ingredients. Cheaper leather conditioners may leave have a greasy finish. Perform a spot test!!! (see part 1 from yesterday; do not take a chance ruining your leather or any part of your car!) Always spot check, check with your owner's manual and use less not more and be very cautious with perforated seat covers. Always follow the advice of the cleaning product manufacture and that of your owner's manual. Condition your seats. Apply the conditioner to the seats and again be cautious about stitching (see part 1). Use a dollar store micro-fiber cloth or a sponge to gentl ... read more
Posted on 3/31/2016

NYC, we got them and we got them bad! Severe road conditions that is. We all know when the National Weather Service says there is a severe weather warning, we need to take precautions. Our blog has pointed out many times during this last year the fact that in the NYC area we always drive under "severe road and traffic conditions" and we have spoken about many factors contributing to dangerous, over used, never maintained roads, traffic, stop and go driving, sudden breaking due to highways seemingly converging traffic and drivers going from doing 55 mph to 10 mph for miles and miles, etc. Nowhere in the USA except other major metropolises like Los Angeles, Chicago, Atlanta, etc, do we find the scope and dimension of what we all know is dangerous roads, extensive drive time and gas consuming, etc which place tremendous burdens on our vehicles and on our nerves. Of course, weather always factors in making severe driving conditions and severe road factors nearly impossible and ... read more