Posted on 11/22/2015

FAQ series from 106 St Tire & Wheel:8 Tips to Extend the Life of your Car1) Check and change your oil regularly. There's some controversy on how often. 106 St Tire & Wheel advises you to check your owner's manual.That's the best place to get accurate information specific to YOUR CAR. If your owner's manual is not around, Google it and you will probably find itonline in a downloadable format. Example for searching for it online? Google example: Owner's Manual 2009 Toyota Camry. That kind of search is bound to turn it up. And remember, there's no single step in auto maintenance that will help your engine last more than regular oil and oil filter changes will. Neglecting your oil level checks or oil changes will shorten the life of your vehicle. 2) Flushing your cooling system and changing coolant once a year is the best way to keep your system properly functioning. Proper mixture of coolant ... read more
Posted on 11/20/2015

Safety Tips for Holiday Travelers Thanksgiving is rapidly approaching! Then Christmas! Will you be doing "over the river and through the woods to Grandma's house" in your car? Well, folks, make sure that "sleigh" is safe, weather ready and you and your family are comfortable. Your friends at 106 St Tire & Wheel are deeply invested in anything auto...we place a high value on educating our customers so read on to learn more about road conditions, traffic, saving money, staying safe and awake! It goes without saying to before leaving, please, take your car to one of our locations for a free 47 point safety check that includes the major automotive systems, your tires, your brakes, your fluids, your lights, etc. DO IT BEFORE YOU LEAVE FOR EVERYONE'S SAFETY INCLUDING OTHER DRIVERS! You can be no safer on any road then the condition of your vehicle lets you be and there is something you can do by making safety your priority before the trip. 1. Start off ... read more
Posted on 11/19/2015

How to Extend Your Tires' Life Span;FAQ about avoiding tire wear from 106 St Tires are a very critical part if driving safety and they don't come cheap. However, 106 St Tire & Wheel does our best to educate our customers how to care for what is a costly part of driver safety. Please check your tire pressure every 3,000 miles to keep your vehicle driving effortlessly and evenly and therefore use safe your self some un-needed expense by using gasoline more efficiently. Tires should be inflated when cool. In other words, don't drive 25 miles and then stop anywhere and have your tires checked. Leave home and drive directly to 106 St Tire & Wheel and we will, as tire professionals, use the vehicle manufacturer's recommendations printed on the vehicle door placard or in your vehicle's owner's manual. We do NOT use the maximum sidewall stamped on a tire itself. Rotate your tires every 6,000—8,000 miles to help equalize tread wear. Get your oil changed here at 106 St Tire fo ... read more
Posted on 11/16/2015
FAQ: What Do Our FREE Safety Inspection's Include? hoses: radiator, power steering, heater hoses and a/c hoses head lights tail lights turn signals parking lights battery shocks and struts transfer case differential CV joint boots steering components U-joints front and rear suspension exhaust system all 4 tires for pressure, wear and tread depth engine oil anti-freeze front and rear brakes power steering transmission windshield wipers and windshield wiper fluid belts both serpentine and power steering air filterCome on over one of our 106 St Tire & Wheel locations 24 hours at 106-01 Northern Blvd,24 hours at 105-08 Northern Blvd, 7 days at 118-02 Merrick Blvd, Jamaica, 7 days at:79-02 Queens Blvd, Elmhurst, 45-13 108 St in Corona - Forest HillsCall us anytime 24/7 including holidays at 71
Posted on 11/13/2015

The life span of shock absorbers varies. There are several variables that include how many miles you drive, what types of surfaces you drive on and whether you drive like a maniac over rough roads (like NYC last winter with all the snow and hitting pot hole after pot hole!) or use your vehicle tenderly. The above makes it very difficult if not impossible to estimate how long your shocks will last. However, if you do drive over rough roads featuring our famous NYC pot holes, we can't expect a mechanical part meant to adjust your ride to last forever. Rough roads featuring potholes, large cracks and sharp ridges that run across the pavement (you know, winter in NY) will wear out shocks faster. Also, carrying heavy loads or driving on unpaved roads with deep crater-like pot holes or embedded large rocks will do the same. If your driving style is one that takes back, bumpy roads at the same speed you'd drive on smooth roads, this neglect is bound to shorten the life or your shocks as much ... read more