Posted on 1/28/2016

Are you driving merrily along until some maintenance issue is thrust upon you at the most inconvenient moment? For example, you're in bumper to bumper traffic and you step on your brakes and they aren't there? That's one heck of a place for that to happen. We hope you are a member of AAA because it will be unsafe to continue to drive and you will need to be towed. Really, most of these kinds of mechanical failures can be avoided and 106 St Tire & Wheel is here to help you do you that with lots of FREE services to avoid the inconvenience and dangers of the situation above. We offer free brake inspections. For you do-it-yourselfers, here's some great brake advice on determining if your brakes need replacing or service: OBSERVATION!Look at your brake pads... And while we are at it, we will inspect your tires FREE and check your tire pressure FREE. LISTEN! Are you hearing that tell tale high pitched screeching sound? You are receiving that audible sou ... read more
Posted on 1/25/2016

...30" of snow? A massive thaw will equate to pot holes everywhere. All locations of 106 St Tire & Wheel in Corona, Forest Hills, Elmhurst and Jamaica, Queens, offer a wide variety of rim services for steel and alloy wheels. Pot holes occur as a natural part of melting snow and ice and have nothing to do with city or state apathy; they are equal opportunity and they happen everywhere there are season thaws, freezes, snow falls and ice. The resulting melted water seeps beneath the pavement through cracks caused by the wear and tear of traffic and the black top collapses. Because of our traffic situation here in the Big Apple and the weather we see now, we can expect plenty of pot holes that will cause damage to tires, wheels, axles, front end, etc. 106 St Tire is here to help you out if this darkens your door. If you have those beautiful pricy rims and one gets damaged, don't be worried. Most wheel damage can be successfully repaired in 24-48 hours and we will give you a free estim ... read more
Posted on 1/19/2016

Always Critical to Extending Engine Life..... 1. Engine Performance: 106 ST Tire & Wheel could never stress the importance of this aspect of vehicle maintenance. Changing oil regularly helps maintain vital engine performances and engine operations. Allowing improved functionality and smoother driving, changing oil every 3,000 nukes will keep internal engine parts clean and lubricated. 2. Remove Build-Up: Used oil eventually builds up certain amounts of dirt and debris and becomes engine gunk, without regular oil changes this can damage engine components and decrease performance a lot. 3. Fuel Economy: No matter what the price of gasoline is, MPG is always important. We want your money in your pocket! But, regular oil changes provide new oil to reduce friction and improve fuel economy for any vehicle. These improvements make engines parts glide seamlessly to lessen resources used to operate. While we are on the subject of this aspe ... read more
Posted on 1/16/2016

...alignments, a critical auto maintenance service 1) What is a wheel alignment?106 St Tire & Wheel wants its customers to know that wheel alignments are important and they are a part of standard automobile maintenance. Wheel alignment consists of adjusting the angles of the wheels so that they are set to the car maker's specification. This helps steer your vehicle effectivbely and safely. 2) Why do I need a wheel alignment? A wheel alignment is required from a maintenance perspective because a lack of proper alignment can cause uneven or premature tire wear. Merely driving over pot holes, those metal plates used when Queens streets are being repaired or when water pipes are being re-laid or repaired, where ever Con Ed digs up the street, etc. because the bouncing of tires in an uneven pattern displace the correct alignment. Tire wear and improper tire inflation are impacted which in turn may jeopardizing the safety of you, your passengers, pedestrians, other drivers and that of y ... read more
Posted on 12/2/2015

Skipping Oil Changes Can Be Harmful! Guess what? This picture above is not chocolate pudding..its car eating sludge! Is there anywhere else in the US that faces the driving conditions of NYC and, specifically, Queens or Manhattan? Stop and go driving? Not really good for an engine. Sitting in 45 minutes of traffic? Not good for your get the picture. Therefore, there is no hard and fast rule about oil changes simply because NYC driving is not like driving anywhere else in the world. However, when a vehicle maker makes a recommendation about oil changes, the advice is a one size fits all type of advice rather that for your specific driving conditions which is a huge consideration. Would you get this kind of cautionary advice ever? "Hey, if you live in Nu Yalk and drive dis car, first, why would anyone want to live in dat city? UGH, move and extend your life and the damn car's life too." No one except 106 St Tire & Wheel will point out that NY has a spec ... read more