Posted on 7/17/2015

A year ago The Christian Science Monitor ran the following headline, “Report: Cell phone distractioncauses one in four U.S. car crashes.” The article continued with this: “The report puts the number of car crashes caused by cell phoneuse and texting at 1.6 million – one million more than previously thought.” 1) Check your tire pressure! We hate sounding like broken records but this is a critical safety issue and one totally under your control. As we've mentioned before, program your phone to remind you, check your pressure every time you fill up, putup a Post-It note on your whatever it takes to remind yourself because your life depends on it. Think for a moment? There is only one part of your car that touches the ground: YOUR TIRES! It sounds ridiculously simple however each and every year scores of people die, thousands ofaccidents are caused, millions of dollars in damage is done, a huge amou ... read more
Posted on 4/7/2014
Earth Day 2014: April 22nd Earth Day is a day to take seriously for as we know climate change is real...especially after this winter, right? As drivers and, as a business dedicating itself to driver safety, 106 St Tire & Wheel takes this one step further. GREEN HOUSE GASES are poison to our planet, our kids, our seniors and to all of us. They are the by product of burning fossil fuels like GASOLINE. In the hot weather we all can see the air quality change....its visual and it's something we can feel in the air. It's harder to breathe, sit in traffic and the pollution can almost choke you. It's been established that there are more air pollution related illness in our kids...namely asthma, allergies, breathing issues and it's the same for adults and especially seniors. We have all heard the warning in the summer for seniors to remain indoors not only because of the heat and humidity but also air pollution sky rockets as the green house gases cannot escape and they si ... read more
Posted on 2/27/2014 St Tire & Wheel has a unique standing in the automotive community. 106 St is concerned with safety in Brooklyn and Queens where we operate for the same reason why all of us think safey is important...OUR KIDS. The ownership and staff of 106 St Tire live in Queens, our kids cross the same streets all Queens residents do. Our kids go to the same schools and our mission statement has always been safety first with great service and excellent prices for our loyal customers