Posted on 11/19/2015

How to Extend Your Tires' Life Span;FAQ about avoiding tire wear from 106 St Tires are a very critical part if driving safety and they don't come cheap. However, 106 St Tire & Wheel does our best to educate our customers how to care for what is a costly part of driver safety. Please check your tire pressure every 3,000 miles to keep your vehicle driving effortlessly and evenly and therefore use safe your self some un-needed expense by using gasoline more efficiently. Tires should be inflated when cool. In other words, don't drive 25 miles and then stop anywhere and have your tires checked. Leave home and drive directly to 106 St Tire & Wheel and we will, as tire professionals, use the vehicle manufacturer's recommendations printed on the vehicle door placard or in your vehicle's owner's manual. We do NOT use the maximum sidewall stamped on a tire itself. Rotate your tires every 6,000—8,000 miles to help equalize tread wear. Get your oil changed here at 106 St Tire fo ... read more
Posted on 11/16/2015
FAQ: What Do Our FREE Safety Inspection's Include? hoses: radiator, power steering, heater hoses and a/c hoses head lights tail lights turn signals parking lights battery shocks and struts transfer case differential CV joint boots steering components U-joints front and rear suspension exhaust system all 4 tires for pressure, wear and tread depth engine oil anti-freeze front and rear brakes power steering transmission windshield wipers and windshield wiper fluid belts both serpentine and power steering air filterCome on over one of our 106 St Tire & Wheel locations 24 hours at 106-01 Northern Blvd,24 hours at 105-08 Northern Blvd, 7 days at 118-02 Merrick Blvd, Jamaica, 7 days at:79-02 Queens Blvd, Elmhurst, 45-13 108 St in Corona - Forest HillsCall us anytime 24/7 including holidays at 71
Posted on 11/11/2015
Some people try to save money by filling their windshield washer reservoirs with water. Not a good idea! The problem:It doesn't properly clean the windshield and can freeze and destroy the reservoir. Solution:Invest the few dollars in washer fluid. It will not freeze and give you a clean windshield, which is imperative any time of the year. Do you want your kids playing in the streets when drivers can't see 100%?Many people accept wiper streaks as a normal part of life. It's not and not being able to see where you are going is a critical responsibility of every driver. 106 St Tire & Wheel always had plenty of windshield wiper fluid. Don't cut corners on safety....not in the winter....not ever
Posted on 11/5/2015

From the tire pros at 106 St Tire and Wheel, TWO WORDS about winter driving? “DRIVE SLOWLY” The University of California, Berkeley, School of Public Health did a study that reports there is a casual affect of driving in poor weather and an estimated and staggering 7,000 deaths a year. About 800,000 injuries also result with a shocking 1.5 million car crashes yearly across the nation with an estimated economic toll of $42 billion. Yep, that's billion with a “B”. Why? The number one reason is not being properly prepared. Ever hear the expression an ounce of preventions is worth a pound of cure? You can't control the weather but you can sure be ready for it. Bad weather causes almost 20% of highway deaths according to this report. The report indicates that the most dangerous day to drive is the day after the first winter storm of the year when despite all the warnings people are unprepared to avoid driving or don't adopt safer procedures as comple ... read more
Posted on 10/29/2015

106 St Tire & Wheel will be on the road to SEMA 2015 in Las Vegas! 106 St Tire always attends the SEMA show, which is the largest automotive industry show in the world. It displays the latest and greatest in the industry and keeps our technology, as well as the world's auto tech, up to date. In a world where technology is advancing as fast as it is, it's critical for our organization to keep our knowledge and skill up to date to better serve our customers with KNOWLEDGE. 106 St Tire is a progressive organization, understanding that knowledge is power, so off we go! We will do as we usually do and make what we see available to our customers on our Facebook page, so come and follow us for great photos fresh from Las Vegas starting this Sunday, November 1st, 2015 Meanwhile back at the "ranch" you can expect our 5 locations to be open to serve your auto needs as usual as we are fully staffed and ready to serve you as always.Please remember we have two 24 hour locatio ... read more