Posted on 11/22/2015

FAQ series from 106 St Tire & Wheel:8 Tips to Extend the Life of your Car1) Check and change your oil regularly. There's some controversy on how often. 106 St Tire & Wheel advises you to check your owner's manual.That's the best place to get accurate information specific to YOUR CAR. If your owner's manual is not around, Google it and you will probably find itonline in a downloadable format. Example for searching for it online? Google example: Owner's Manual 2009 Toyota Camry. That kind of search is bound to turn it up. And remember, there's no single step in auto maintenance that will help your engine last more than regular oil and oil filter changes will. Neglecting your oil level checks or oil changes will shorten the life of your vehicle. 2) Flushing your cooling system and changing coolant once a year is the best way to keep your system properly functioning. Proper mixture of coolant ... read more
Posted on 11/19/2015

How to Extend Your Tires' Life Span;FAQ about avoiding tire wear from 106 St Tires are a very critical part if driving safety and they don't come cheap. However, 106 St Tire & Wheel does our best to educate our customers how to care for what is a costly part of driver safety. Please check your tire pressure every 3,000 miles to keep your vehicle driving effortlessly and evenly and therefore use safe your self some un-needed expense by using gasoline more efficiently. Tires should be inflated when cool. In other words, don't drive 25 miles and then stop anywhere and have your tires checked. Leave home and drive directly to 106 St Tire & Wheel and we will, as tire professionals, use the vehicle manufacturer's recommendations printed on the vehicle door placard or in your vehicle's owner's manual. We do NOT use the maximum sidewall stamped on a tire itself. Rotate your tires every 6,000—8,000 miles to help equalize tread wear. Get your oil changed here at 106 St Tire fo ... read more
Posted on 11/18/2015

Emergency Winter Roadside Kit; YOU NEED ONE! (part 2) Stay warm 1) Keeping your body temperature regulated and avoidance hypothermia in a winter emergency is crucial. Please keep your clean cloth items in plastic bags to make sure they stay dry. Pack extra pairs of gloves and socks along with an extra hat and/or a facemask to keep you as warm as possible so you can change if yours get wet while changing a tire. Also, a second pair of insulated shoes or boots are important as extremities need extra warmth and if one pair gets wet. 2) Store at least two blankets in your kit or in your trunk. Include chemical hand warmers and a mylar blanket which looks like a thin piece of aluminum foil, but works with your body heat to keep your temperature consistent. Wool blankets are warmer than acrylic and don't skimp on the size. You will need this to keep your entire body warm and comfortable.5: Include flashlights 1) Your emergency kit should include several fl ... read more
Posted on 11/11/2015
Some people try to save money by filling their windshield washer reservoirs with water. Not a good idea! The problem:It doesn't properly clean the windshield and can freeze and destroy the reservoir. Solution:Invest the few dollars in washer fluid. It will not freeze and give you a clean windshield, which is imperative any time of the year. Do you want your kids playing in the streets when drivers can't see 100%?Many people accept wiper streaks as a normal part of life. It's not and not being able to see where you are going is a critical responsibility of every driver. 106 St Tire & Wheel always had plenty of windshield wiper fluid. Don't cut corners on safety....not in the winter....not ever
Posted on 11/10/2015

Tire tip of the day: Some drivers follow the old wives' tale advice to reduce air pressure in tires during cold weather to increase traction. The problem: While it MIGHT increase traction in some instances, it will cause undue tire wear when the weather warms.Solution: Keep tire pressure at recommended levels. Don't feel comfortable doing the above? Any location of 106 St Tire & Wheel will check your tire pressure FREE. We will check your tire tread FREE. We will fill your tires with compressed air to the recommendation of the manufacturer of your specific car FREE. ....and lots more. Just come on into any location, see above in the header, remember we are open at 2 Northern Blvd locations 24/7 and leave the rest to us. Be SAFE, not sorry. Call us 718-446-6769 24 hours, holidays included, 7 days, closed only Christmas