Posted on 2/22/2016

free with purchase of 4 tires at all 106 St Tire locations:FREE wheel alignmentFREE tire mountingFREE tire balancingFREE valves if neededFREE tire rotations for the life of your purchased tiresFREE nitrogen-fill for one year106 St Tire & Wheel locations offers our customers an all-in-one package deal when you buy tires. There are no service add ons. When we give you a price, it includes everything and you can expect no surprises.We offer appointments to save you time and we're open 24 hours to make things convenient in the city that never sleeps.Call us for a customer friendly price, great free services and make an appointment online.Our 24 hour locations are 106-01 Northern Blvd and 105-08 Northern Blvd, call 718-446-6769 everyday of the year except Christmas.We appreciate your ... read more
Posted on 2/15/2016

NYC's best price wheel alignment $45 most cars at our locations. Quick facts article! All drivers need to keep their wheels aligned: How often?Realistically, this is needed in our "severe driving conditions" about two times a year depending on mileage. Why? Wheels become misaligned because you hit bad road conditions like potholes on NYC streets. What happens if I don't align my wheels?Your tires will wear unevenly, steering usually suffers and you may notice a pulling sensation or vibration. Your tire life may be shortened because of uneven wear and front end parts become compromised. Our expert technicians use 3-D state-of-the-art computer equipment to analyze your vehicle's alignment and provide you with a detailed report so that you can make an informed decision. Wheel alignments are critical especially in Queens, Brooklyn, NYC and on Long Island because of the conditions on our roads. PERHAPS THE BIGGEST PROBLEM? TWO WORDS? POT H ... read more
Posted on 11/24/2015

106 ST Tire & Wheel's Newest Location Open Holidays 24/7; State of the Art Wheel Alignment Center & Repair Shop ...both locations on Northern Blvd are open holidays 24/7 except Christmas 106 St Tire & Wheel, Inc an established tire and wheel business in Queens, NYC has announced the opening of their 5th location at 105-08 Northern Blvd. Now, as a member of the renowned Napa Auto Parts family, 106 St Tire's new Napa Car Care Center will offer customers in Brooklyn and Queens an opportunity to extend the life of their vehicle with reasonably priced car care. A 106 St Tire spokeswoman stated, “Too many of our customers do damage control rather than preventative maintenance. The problem with that is often additional needless expense as mechanical repairs, when not performed when warranted, tend to cause escalate to related parts and their function. For example, what may start out as a very low cost, simple brake pad replacement land ... read more
Posted on 11/22/2015

FAQ series from 106 St Tire & Wheel:8 Tips to Extend the Life of your Car1) Check and change your oil regularly. There's some controversy on how often. 106 St Tire & Wheel advises you to check your owner's manual.That's the best place to get accurate information specific to YOUR CAR. If your owner's manual is not around, Google it and you will probably find itonline in a downloadable format. Example for searching for it online? Google example: Owner's Manual 2009 Toyota Camry. That kind of search is bound to turn it up. And remember, there's no single step in auto maintenance that will help your engine last more than regular oil and oil filter changes will. Neglecting your oil level checks or oil changes will shorten the life of your vehicle. 2) Flushing your cooling system and changing coolant once a year is the best way to keep your system properly functioning. Proper mixture of coolant ... read more
Posted on 9/18/2015

Our state of the art wheel alignment center is now located on Northern Blvd at 105-08 Northern Blvd.This picture gives the one picture worth a thoudand words view of where our new alignment center is...not even a half a block away from previous location...and you were worried? :o) This new facility is our second Northern Blvd location joining our iconic tire and wheel repair locationon the corner of 106 St and Northern Blvd at 106-01 Northern where we have served the communityfor decades. As you can see the new wheel alignment center is just feet away from the old one andits brand new. Our famous HOME OF THE $45 wheel alignment (most cars) is still out community outreach front runner.All of our locations offer this deal. Call us 24/7 for info or just go over to Northern Blvd, both buildings are open 24/7 to serve our customers718-446-6769 and this included holidays and weekends as always. We're closed one day a year...Christmas otherwise, 106 St Tire and Wheel is alw ... read more