Posted on 1/14/2016

Lighter, hotter rims with better performance....Alloy wheels are made of aluminum or magnesium metals and, of course, they are lighter in weight and provide a hot, super stylish look. Because the above metals are lighter than steel, they reduce your vehicle's weight, improves speed and performance when old fashioned steel wheels adds hundreds of pounds to your vehicle's weight making your engine tow more weight and slowing down speed and reducing gas mileage. Alloy wheels are also better heat conductors and reduce the chances of brake failures under most driving conditions. We've been consistent in telling drivers that NYC's road conditions makes our area an area with "severe" conditions so please bear that in mind knowing that on Queens streets your alloy wheels are vulnerable. The lighter weight of the alloy rim is more suitable for manufacturers to produce a broad range of intricate wheel designs and these more detailed looks complements the premium or sporty look of your car. By u ... read more
Posted on 12/2/2015

Skipping Oil Changes Can Be Harmful! Guess what? This picture above is not chocolate pudding..its car eating sludge! Is there anywhere else in the US that faces the driving conditions of NYC and, specifically, Queens or Manhattan? Stop and go driving? Not really good for an engine. Sitting in 45 minutes of traffic? Not good for your get the picture. Therefore, there is no hard and fast rule about oil changes simply because NYC driving is not like driving anywhere else in the world. However, when a vehicle maker makes a recommendation about oil changes, the advice is a one size fits all type of advice rather that for your specific driving conditions which is a huge consideration. Would you get this kind of cautionary advice ever? "Hey, if you live in Nu Yalk and drive dis car, first, why would anyone want to live in dat city? UGH, move and extend your life and the damn car's life too." No one except 106 St Tire & Wheel will point out that NY has a spec ... read more
Posted on 11/13/2015

The life span of shock absorbers varies. There are several variables that include how many miles you drive, what types of surfaces you drive on and whether you drive like a maniac over rough roads (like NYC last winter with all the snow and hitting pot hole after pot hole!) or use your vehicle tenderly. The above makes it very difficult if not impossible to estimate how long your shocks will last. However, if you do drive over rough roads featuring our famous NYC pot holes, we can't expect a mechanical part meant to adjust your ride to last forever. Rough roads featuring potholes, large cracks and sharp ridges that run across the pavement (you know, winter in NY) will wear out shocks faster. Also, carrying heavy loads or driving on unpaved roads with deep crater-like pot holes or embedded large rocks will do the same. If your driving style is one that takes back, bumpy roads at the same speed you'd drive on smooth roads, this neglect is bound to shorten the life or your shocks as much ... read more
Posted on 11/12/2015

Winter...we love the snow, um, right? Well, maybe not if we have to drive on slippery roads, park, dig out our cars and be mobile in NYC. But, Bridgestone Blizzaks can help big time. What do experienced tire people say about the Blizzak experience? Blizzaks have been tested, retested and tested again. There's no doubt about their ability to function in the snow and ice. They increase stopping ability, prevent sliding and skidding better than any other tire on the market. 106 St Tire & Wheel has them and we sell them with pride knowing Bridgestone's reputation and Blizzaks history and they have been around since 1993. How Long Will Bridgestone Blizzak Winter / Snow Tires Last? The Blizzak WS-tires' Multicell tread compound comprises the top more than one-half of the tire tread of the tires' tread depth (55% actually). A standard winter tread composite comprises the remaining 45 percent of the tire. When the tire wears down to ab ... read more
Posted on 11/11/2015
Some people try to save money by filling their windshield washer reservoirs with water. Not a good idea! The problem:It doesn't properly clean the windshield and can freeze and destroy the reservoir. Solution:Invest the few dollars in washer fluid. It will not freeze and give you a clean windshield, which is imperative any time of the year. Do you want your kids playing in the streets when drivers can't see 100%?Many people accept wiper streaks as a normal part of life. It's not and not being able to see where you are going is a critical responsibility of every driver. 106 St Tire & Wheel always had plenty of windshield wiper fluid. Don't cut corners on safety....not in the winter....not ever